Too many 'K' names! Parents, there are 25 other letters in the alphabet

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Chapter 6

I just wanted to say something about these random faded gods that I'm making up, (You can't search up forgotten gods on google, that's why they're forgotten!) I know I'm going to have people ask,

'Why did this god fade? Their domain is still important!'

Yes, but some major god came and took over and they quite literally faded into the background.

Percy's POV

I was so heated at Xifaskia, I didn't notice myself slipping away, not even when it happened.


My eyes snapped open with alarm for reasons that presented themselves when I finally got my bearings. Light that was unreasonable bright blinded me making me shut my eyes just as fast as they opened. Still unseeing to the world, I pushed myself up and slowly slid open my eyes.

I was faced with a window that held a familiar but different looking city. "Los Angeles?" I mumbled sleepily.

I felt my brain wake up as I recognized the building I was in, the D.O.A. studios. I looked around for the ghosts and was confused when I didn't find any, just people. Then my memories hit me.

I was dead.

Closing my eyes to keep my emotions subsided, I felt a cold iciness crawl over me, chilling me to my core. I reopened my eyes and numbly walked towards Charon, coinless. I plopped myself down on the counter like I owned the place, just to annoy him.

"What are you doing?" Charon hissed in annoyance.

I lazily looked at him, "Sitting," I said simply.

His face heated up making me bite back a laugh. By the rate, I should definitely annoy him enough to get a free ride to the underworld. "Go sit somewhere else, this is my counter!"

I pretended to look confused, "Your counter? But isn't sharing, caring?" I asked innocently.

He smirked at me, "Well it seems I don't care. Get off the counter." He commanded.

"You dare defy the Care Bears? I can't believe you, you heartless demon!" I shouted at him making some of the ghosts turn their heads in slight interest.

He looked at me in disbelief and confusion. I guess he's never had to deal with someone like me. "Who are the Care Bears?"

I gave him a look of pity, "Your parents have failed you."

His face turned to the color I thought was only reserved for tomatoes and Zeus."I don't - What no, I'm not dealing with this. Either pay me or go sit down."

I gasped in fake hurt, "You don't remember me?"

He studied me, "Why should I-"

I cut him off, "I drowned in a bathtub, it was quite a big one."

He narrowed his eyes as his face shown with recognition. "Oh I know who you are Percy Jackson, you're that one hero guy. You want something with Hades or something. Also, drowning in a bathtub is a bad way to go for a son of Poseidon."

I looked down for a second, "I actually just want to get across."

He looked me over again realizing I was dead. "Oh no sir, there is no way I'm ferrying you across with no pay. You'll just have to sit and wait a thousand years or more until I feel generous like everybody else. Oh, and of course, you'll have to get in the back of the line."

"Hey!" I whined, "I paid plenty last time and asked Hades to give you a pay raise!"

Charon glared at me, "I never got my pay raise, and that was only for one trip. Now LEAVE!" He tried to shove me off the table failing miserably because his hands went straight through me making me gasp as a sudden burning feeling filled me. Charon also drew away shivering and cursing.

"I hate you dead people, always so cold." He muttered rubbing his hands together.

I returned a glare towards him, "That dead person has feelings you know." I snapped. "Just let me pass and you won't have to deal with me!" I yelled throwing my hands up. By this time, we had the whole room silent and watching us.

He was about to reply when I felt my pocket go warm. I reached in a pulled out the two drachmas that had newly appeared. I handed it to the man moodily and hissed in pure annoyance, "Let me cross."

I felt a little guilty when I saw fear flash through Charon's eyes in my show of anger. "C-come o-on." He stuttered.


I found myself shivering on the ground, eyes closed in the flashback that had just consumed me. I peeked open one of my eyes and immediately thanked the gods that I was hidden from the inhabitants of Chaménoi. Dusting my pants off, I stood and pondered what was happening. Why was I getting these flashbacks?

I shook my head and headed my way down the streets of the city, lost in millions of questions circling my mind.

Arriving at a well-known area, I opened the door greeted with the familiar 'ding' and smell of candy. My mouth watered as I took in the candy shop like room. "How are you, Percy?"

I turned to the women that called my name, waving at her with a small smile.

"Yo, what is up bro?" her twin brother exclaimed earning eye rolls from me and his sister.

Like Kallitéchnis, Kanapés and Karaméla had gotten to know me pretty well, though Kallitéchnis was more of just a friend, Karaméla and Karaméla more protective in a family way. Karaméla, the faded goddess of candy, had just decided to be like my mother. Kanapés was more like a really lazy brother, but what can you expect from the faded god if couches?

Also, what was with all the K names?

Karaméla gave me hug, what have you been up to today?"

"Um well..." I recalled today's events which hadn't been the best. Let's see if we can put a positive spin on things. "Remember Kallitéchnis' party?"

Kanapés immediately became excited, "How could I forget?"

"It's definitely a possibility," I grinned at them, a sliver of the person I hadn't seen in while leaking through, "Kallitéchnis certainly did, per usual."

Kanapés snickered while Karaméla just started clapping, "Let me guess," Karaméla started.

"I prepared the party for him, yes you are correct." I finished.

We continued to talk for a while until I felt my phone vibrated indicated Kallitéchnis had finished cleaning. I shook my head in amusement, it only took 3 hours and I was willing to bet he wasn't completely finished. Good job Kallitéchnis, good job.

I slapped Kanapés' hand away from the Carmel popcorn I'd been munching on. "Thanks for letting me come over," I told them appreciatively. "I have to go-"

"-help someone else with something," Karaméla finished for me, giving a knowing look.

I sent her my signature grin and headed towards the door. "Bye! I waved to them reaching for the knob that I never touched. I collapsed to the floor, my conciseness gone before my head even hit the ground.

We must all congratulate Mr. Percy Jackson for passing out more than Sir. Jason Grace! What an achievement! (I swear on Styx there's an important reason)

- Daughter of Poseidon, Legacy of Apollo, Hunter of Artemis signing off NOW.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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