Disaster on the train

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Y/N walked through the carriage and found a carriage. It was full of some boys and you didn't care. Pushing the door open, a couple of boys looked up at you. "Boys only carriage" A tall lanky boy with blonde hair gave you a glare. "Refreshments? I'll get some chocolate frogs"

"I'll sit wherever the hell I feel like. Get your own food and go to a gym while your at it" You replied sassily, flicking your hair behind your shoulder.
The boys laughed at the guy and red started creeping up his neck. Two red haired boys were looking at you intently both with a cheeky smile on their faces. "Weasley" They both said extending their arms smirking.
"Nice try boys" You saw the electro charm attached at their wrists. They playfully pouted. "I'm gonna be a Gryffindor, I know I am, my parents were Hufflepuffs but I'm loud and I just know I'm a Gryffindor" You announced.
One of the Weasley boys smirked. "Aren't you a good cook? No man likes a woman who can't cook? "
Your eyes glittered furiously, an anger was building up and you pulled out your wand and pointed it at his throat. "Give me a reason, I beg you"
"Your wand is probably unicorn hair, you like unicorn hair little girl?"
"It's dragon heartstring actually" You snapped, your wand still at Weasley's throat,rounding on whoever made that snark remark.
It was his twin George who's wand was also facing you. Your wand was drawing blood at Fred's neck but you hardly cared.
The other boys had pulled their wands out. "Expelliarmus" You snapper and their wands landing in a heap at the corner of the carriage. "You dare say anything offensive about me or any other women and I'll kill you"

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