Darkness rises - part 1

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@Rayne_Or_Shine , Kbergamasco, goldielion, ReyloFan4Life, rissayullita, demirfran
This one goes out to you! Thank you so much for your support

'Ben?', Rey whispered softly.
'Hmm?', he murmered sleepily.
She pushed herself up on one elbow and looked down at him. He opened his eyes a bit wider as he noticed her serious expression.
'Do you regret it?', she asked him.
He didn't need to ask her what she meant. She was talking about his father.
'Every day', he answered.

'Then why did you do it? You said it had to do with letting the past die. I don't understand.'
'It seemed the right thing to do...', Ben started.
Rey's expression froze and turned cold.
'You don't mean what you just said', she interrupted him.
'I meant what I said', he started again, 'I won't lie to you. Just...'
Rey got up and started to get dressed in a hurry. 'I can't believe I thought you had changed!'

She had never felt more betrayed than in this moment. Not even when she found out, that her parents had sold her.

'Rey...', Ben started yet again, getting up and covering himself with a sheet. He tried to grab her arm. Rey jerked away from him.
'Don't you dare...', she hissed.
Now Ben got angry as well. 'Just listen! I'm trying to tell you the truth.'
'You told me enough', she spat. Finally dressed she turned to the door, but couldn't open it.

'Just listen', Ben hissed again trying to compose his anger. How had things turned this fast? One moment they had been in each others arms, now they were arguing again.
'Open the door!'
'No! You asked me something. Don't you want to hear the answer? The whole truth? I already told you, I regret it. And deeply! Let me explain!'
He inhaled and added more softly: 'Please.'
Rey stopped in her attempts to open the door and slightly turned her head, her back still towards Ben.
'Snoke made me believe, that my only chance to become what I was meant to be would be to kill my parents. I was torn apart at this time and desperate to be free of this pain. I thought, if I killed my parents, it would free me and I would overcome my weaknesses. I was wrong. I have never been more wrong in life. When my father died at my hands, I felt weaker than I ever had. I knew immediately that Smoke had lied to me, that it was the greatest failure of all to believe in what he had told me. If I could change what I did, I would do it. I would have done it the second I killed my father. That is the truth. All of it.'

Rey finally turned around to look at Ben. He had never seemed more lost to her. She hovered at the door for a very long moment, her hand still on the handle and slowly nodded.
Ben let out a sigh. He hadn't realised that he had held his breath waiting for her reaction. He was in front of Rey in two long strides, kissing her hungrily and pushing her against the door, his hands cupping her face. Rey grabbed into his hair, pulling at it and kissing him back with passion. Ben lifted her up and carried her back to their bed while Rey tucked at the sheets covering him.


On board of the First Orders main ship General Hux sat in his private rooms and received the incoming call from Varonat, he had been desperately waiting for.
'Report!', he ordered.
'Sir, we have searched the area and found something in one of the lakes in the forests. It was the wreck of a TIE fighter. We think it is the one, the Supreme Leader took, but we are not sure by now. We still have to retrieve it from the ground', the scout reported.
Hux scoffed. 'I take it there was no body?'
'No, Sir!'
Hux face didn't show how displeased he was with this news. It would have been so much more satisfying, if there had been a corpse to present publicly.

'But we found something else at a few trees near the edge of the lake.'
Hux leaned slightly forward.
'There was dried blood in some places and broken branches that seem to leave a trail into the woods. We want to examine it today, but wanted your permission first since it wasn't part of your order.'
Hux smirked. 'Permission granted.'


'Do you remember, what you told me about your dream last night?', Rey asked leaving a trail of soft kisses along Ben's chest.
'You mean the one about the cave?', Ben asked carefully.
'The very same', Rey answered now toying with a strand of Ben's hair.
'When I went gathering food yesterday, I came across a cave, that was not very far from here. Something seemed strange about it and I came back to tell you. But then... You know... We got distracted', she blushed slightly.
'Anyway... How about we get up and get a closer look?'
Ben gulped. He could vividly remember Rey's screams from his dream. But it was just a dream and after all he was around to help her. He brushed his dark thoughts aside and smirked nodding to her.

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