Near the campfire

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Rey just couldn't believe it. The Force had lured her to this place just to confront her with him again. And now she had missed her flight back to Hoth, too. This had to be a bad joke or a vision again. But Rey knew it wasn't and that made her desperate.
"Rey", she heard Kylo behind her again. She turned to face him. Kylo strode forward and Rey tried to slap him across the face when he came to close. But he simply grabbed her by her wrist and smirked. "Nice try! Now, will you just listen for a moment...",he began.
"Let go off me!",she snarled. She was surprised that he did so almost immediately. "I don't want you to come near me", she hissed.
"Just leave me alone!"
There were tears in her eyes again and her feelings were all mixed up. She hated showing her weakness and she hated that he could see it.

"Rey, just listen to me! There is reason why we are here together. The Force wants us to meet again. I had visions about this for weeks now", Kylo tried to reason with her. Hearing the last part she curiously raised her eyebrows. So he had had them, too. She could see it when he came to the same realisation. "You had them too, hadn't you? The visions of this forest?" She didn't have to answer him. The answer showed itself on her face. "Can't you see?", he whispered urgently. "We were meant to meet and there is purpose to it. It isn't coincidence."

She looked into his eyes and could see that he meant what he said. Part of her wanted to trust him. That was the part that sensed he was right in his conclusions. But another part of her couldn't forget what he had done in the past just because he was right. And that part took lead of her now: "I'm only going to say this one more time. Leave. Me. Alone. And don't you dare to come this close to me again." She turned around and moved into the jungel again. She would simply walk back to the market and wait there until the Resistance came here again.


Kylo stood there and couldn't believe it. He had been calm this time and had avoided dangerous topics. He just told her something really important and she had turned him down yet again. He huffed out in impatience and annoyance and began to follow her at a safe distance. He would try again. She had to believe him! It made perfect sense!


She could hear him following her at some distance. Rey hadn't really believed that he would stay away. He was way to stubborn to just do as she would've liked. But she was glad that for once he kept some distance. She had other problems in mind now anyway. She had walked for hours and still couldn't reach the market. The sun was already beginning to set.

Rey stopped and took a look around. She had no idea where she was or in which direction she kept moving. For all she knew she could be simply running in circles. She finally had to admit to herself that she was lost. That frightened her a little but she had been out in the open alone on Jakku, too. Now she was even a bit glad that Ben had followed her though she hated to admid it.
So Rey looked for a place to stay for the night and soon found one underneath an uprooted tree. She gathered some dry branches and tried to start a fire but failed miserably.

"I know you told me to stay away, but it would be safer for now to stick together. I can get the fire started if you want. And I won't talk if you don't want me to."

Rey was silent for a moment. Then she grumbled: "Fine! I guess you have a point there! But no talking! And this arrangement is for the nighttime only!"
Kylo came around the corner and took a seat beside her. He silently took out a device from his pocket and started the fire. They looked at it as the world around them became darker.
"Thank you, Kylo."
Rey looked up at him and he looked back at her.
"I like it better when you call me Ben", he muttered.
Rey was taken aback. Then after another moment of silence she said:
"Thank you,...Ben."

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