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It had been days since Kylo had ordered Hux to track down the Resistance. Days he had spend waiting and wandering around his ship barking commands. His mood had darkened with every hour of Hux's fruitless search for them. This search filled his thoughts in almost all of his waking hours. Almost.

Then there were his thoughts about Rey as well. He had painted their reunion in almost every colour he could imagine when he went to rest at night. He had thought about threatening her, about deluding her and fighting her until she was forced to bend to his will. And then he had thought about talking to her again, to beg to her to join him again. He had even gone so far as to think about confessing his most intimate feelings and thereby disclosing his whole being to her.

Having brooded about all of this over and over again, he still wasn't sure how to approach her. But he would work it out somehow. When the moment came, he wanted to be prepared. With that in mind Kylo turned around in his bed and finally went to sleep.

As soon as he had fallen into a deep slumber, he found himself in the familiar rain forest. Inwardly he rolled his eyes. Not that again! Why couldn't the Force take a break from showing him this for at least one night? He had finally worked out that it was a vision. He had tried to break the 'dream' in every way he could imagine and still it was persistent. That was when he recognized it for what it really was. Having no other choice he went through the procedure again. He was almost relieved when the vision ended eventhough he knew that there would be nightmares following it. But when the actual dream came it was different from the others before.

Usually Kylo's dream would start in the throne room. But this time he found himself in the elevator.

And there she was, her back turned to him.
Kylo swallowed and looked away. He remembered vividly what it had been like in the elevator and it hadn't been a nightmare at all.
"I can feel the conflict in you, it's tearing you apart", she said. And then after a small pause: "Ben!" His eyes flew to her again. He hated it when people called him by this name. Why was it different when she did? While he was still thinking about it, she came closer and closer still. He looked into her eyes. Her face had engraved itself deep into his memory. He would never forget how she had looked at him. She was beautiful and because he knew it was only a dream he could admit it to himself. "I'll help you", she whispered now, her face even closer.
Kylo leaned into her and she didn't even flinch. He knew it was a dream and because he did, he let desire win this time. After all it wasn't real and nobody would know.
He bend down to her and softly leaned his forehead against hers. Kylo took off his gloves and gently touched her cheek. He could hear Rey's breath catch in her throat. "Yes", he whispered in answer to her offer mere inches from her lips. Then he closed the gap between them.

It was a soft and innocent kiss. And it felt like heaven to him.
When they broke apart Rey exhaled shakily. It was almost a moan. And because of that he kissed her again pushing her against the near wall while doing so. Nothing was innocent about that kiss now. He let his hands wander to her hips and held her firmly against him. Rey's hands found their way into his hair and pulled slightly. Kylo couldn't hold back a moan. He thought it must sound weak and foolish but he couldn't care less in that moment. "Ben", she sighed inbetween breaths. And he loved it.

The dream collapsed around him. He awoke in his bed startled, sweaty and shaking. Then Kylo realised what had ripped him out off his dream. There was someone knocking at his door.
He felt fury run through him. For once in weeks he had had a dream he wished wouldn't end and then there was this idiot at his door. For a second he thought he could still see Rey near the wall but this had to be an aftereffect of his dream.

"This better be really important!", he snarred when he opened the door and saw Hux standing there. Hux sensed he must have come at a really bad time, but stood his ground for once. He had important news and the Supreme Leader had told him to inform him any time.
"We found trace of them. They are hiding in the Anoart Sector."

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