Could you shut up,I know he didn't kissed her on purpose,I know he likes me,he has genuine feelings for me,he won't ever do that again

So confident about your love huh? Fine just be it,when he would break your heart again,don't say I didn't warned you

I wouldn't ever because that is never gonna happen

You know,you can always come to me,me and you,we both would be so perfect for eachother.I would never cheat on you ,just think about it

I don't even know what you look like.? what makes you so sure that I would like you ,as far as I know you are just a stalker who follows my every move and is a creep

Aw baby,you don't even know,even stalking takes hard work.Its not easy

Then stop fucking doing it ,you should be happy I haven't called cops on you yet ,you are literally invading my privacy ,you goddamned fucking kissed me ,that's sexual harassment

Even if you call police they can't do anything time because baby as you said,not even you know what I look like and about the kiss,I can't help ,your beautiful lips are just so irresistible,I just wish you were sober so I could kiss you better

I wouldn't ever put my lips on yours in my sober state he'll if I knew I would not even fucking kiss you while I'm drunk,that would be the biggest mistake of my life,I won't ever let your dirty hands get on me

We would see about that

Taehyung felt more angry,he just wanted to punch someone.He threw his phone aside and grabbed his head.He groaned in annoyance.He suddenly felt tears crippling out of his life,he was frightened.

"Why is my life like this? So fucking messed up" he thought to himself.

Tears were just falling and falling,He was a mess right now,he doesn't even know why he was crying at this point.He had a stalker after him,the boy he liked just kissed another girl,his bestfriends are too busy to know what is going on with him and his school life is going shitty too,having no parent with you was a real problem,yeah his life was pretty sad at the moment,No wonder he is having a mental breakdown.

He suddenly heard a doorbell.His head perked up and he got out of his room to the main door.He opened it ,revealing Jeongguk,he doesn't even know why but seeing Jeongguk made him so relived that all he wanted to do now was to just be with the younger boy.

Jeongguk looked at him and smiled.They both got insider,both heading to the lounge.They sat on the couch next to eachother,the tension was so strong and thick in air ,it was getting hard to breath.

"Taehyung-" He was cut off by Taehyung hugging him,Taehyung wrapped his hands around his neck and quickly pulled him closer.

Jeongguk was surprised,like really surprised at how he just suddenly hugged him.He sighed and hugged him back,feeling happy.He took the boy in his embrace,it's so cute How the small boy just fitted with him,he had his neck buried in Jeongguk neck as Jeongguk had his arms wrapped around him,making him feel safe.

He knew Taehyung was crying,he noticed the red eyes when he came inside,he was already feeling shit because thinking that he is the reason he cried,which is true but he is not the only reason.Taehyung cried with his head buried in younger's neck.Jeongguk kissed his shoulder and pulled him closer.

"It's going to be okay baby,I'm here for you,I'm really sorry for everything I did baby,don't cry" Jeongguk comforted the baby ,he parted his head and smiled.

"It's okay,Just breath in and out,try to calm down,okay baby? Do it for me" Jeongguk said softly.Hevfelt Taehyung nod as the cries got silent slowly,after some minutes,they pulled away.

"Are you okay Taehyung ?"

"Y-Yeah,im sorry for the sudden -"

"No no it's okay,I'm happy that I'm here for you,which by the way seeing you cry like this ,breaks my heart Tae,I'm really sorry,I feel like pure shit right now,what I did was wrong and I promise I won't do it again,that girl I don't know where she came from ,first I just ignored her but when she kissed me,I was gonna pull away but you saw me,I swear to god I didn't do it on purpose ,I like you a lot and I would never hurt you"Jeongguk comforted him.

"I know gguk but she was literally all over you,she was sitting on your goddamn lap,why didn't you pushed her off??"Taehyung questioned him.

"I know this sounds really stupid but because of my friends ,it was them who made her sit on me,when I protested ,they just said some things that I wanted to ignore,But kissing wasn't it,I am sorry Taehyung,please forgive me"Jeongguk apologised.

"Fine,I forgive you gguk,I can't see you like this so ok,but if this thing happens again I swear I would leave you forever"Taehyung finally gives in.

"Thank you so much Tae,thank you.I would hope that day never comes,I-I am so happy ,I really missed you" Jeongguk said as he went close to Taehyung.

"Me too,Gukkie" Jeongguk hugged Taehyung again and Taehyung hugged back,Jeongguk kissed his neck and smiled.It made Taehyung heart flutter.

After sone minutes they pulled away from eachother embrace.The space between them was less anyways,Jeongguk eyes averted to the other boy's beautiful pinkish plump lips.Taehyung noticed it and decided to make the first move as he started to lean in.Jeongguk smiled and leaned in too.The space kept on decreasing.

Soon their lips met eachother into a passionate kiss.Both of them kissed back instantly and scooted closer to eachother.Jeongguk put his hands around Taehyung waist and pulled him closer,making there bodies next to eachother.Taehyung whimpered during the kiss as Jeongguk hands were roaming around his body.

Taehyung hands made there way to his neck and wrapped it around it.Jeongguk inserted his tongue inside Taehyung permission,both do their tongue were fighting for dominance and obviously the younger won,he explored his mouth as Taehyung mouth left few moans.

Soon Taehyung fell on the couch with Jeongguk hovering over him,still kissing Jeongguk,lost in the kiss to comprehend anything going on right now.

Stupid of them ,they didn't even closed the door.

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