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I toss my backpack over my shoulder and start moving quickly, pulling my rolling suitcase behind me. I hear the woman over the announcement system mention my flight number but over the chatter in the airport I can't really hear what she had said. I pray that maybe she was announcing a delay, my 1st flight had been delayed an hour and my luggage had taken so long at the carousel that I was about to miss my connecting flight back to Chicago. I picked up the pace even more, breaking into a run when I heard the same woman over the speaker mentioning a "final boarding call". I sprint, being nearly halfway across the airport from my boarding zone.

I finally made it to the gate to see a flight attendant at a podium cleaning up and the gate closed behind her. I catch my breath,

"Hi, I'm so so sorry, my luggage was lost and my earlier flight was delayed is there any way I can board?" I beg. The woman looks at me with a bit of pity in her eyes,

"Let me see what i can do." She says, picking up the phone at the podium, she talks for a moment with someone else on the line. I wait, tapping my foot anxiously. Suddenly someone else joins me in front of the gate, also gasping for breath and clearly in a hurry.

"My bag- and my flight earlier was delayed and-" the man says, still trying to catch his breath. The woman put the phone down and looks at both of us apologetically.

"I'm sorry but they're already in line for the run way, there's nothing I can do really." She says, the man and I both groan and the flight attendant apologizes a few more times, suggesting options for us.

"Thanks." I mumble and start to walk off to figure out how to get to Chicago now. A moment later the other man who'd missed our flight catches up to me. I realize how tall he is as he takes long strides beside me.

"I can't believe I missed the flight." He laughs, I smile, appreciating someone friendly to share the stress with.

"I know! And on Christmas Eve!" I groan. He laughs,

"God this sucks. So, you were heading home to Chicago for the holidays?" He asks. I nod,

"Yeah, I knew I should've flown in a little sooner but I got caught up with work." I admit, "I'm Sophie by the way." I say.

"I'm Shane, I was hoping to get home a little sooner too but I also got caught up with work." He says.

"Well Shane it looks like we'll be stuck in Denver for Christmas Eve." I sigh, he nods,

"I knew I should have just bought the nonstop flight." He laughs at his mistake and I break into laughter as well, thinking back to the moment I'd bought my tickets.

"It's just cheaper with the layover! Ahh whatever nothing we can do about it now." I say, Shane smiles,

"I guess you're right about that. So where are you coming from Sophie?" He asks,

"L.A." I say, Shane's eyes widen,

"You were on my earlier flight! It was delayed an hour right? I'm coming from L.A. too." He says, I nod,

"Yeah! It was a pain in my ass!" I say, he laughs and agrees with me. We walk towards one of the help desks and take a few moments sorting out new tickets for another flight to Chicago. The woman says they have two seats on a flight departing at 4:30am tomorrow morning, which would get us home at around 6:45 am Christmas morning. She looks at us apologetically, that's about 7 hours out. I buy my ticket and call my parents while Shane gets his. They're upset but they know there's nothing I can do about it now.

"There's a Quality Inn a few miles from the airport that the buses can take you to." She offers. We thank her and then step away.

"Well that sucks." Shane sighs, I nod.

Connecting the Dots (Shane Madej x OC)Where stories live. Discover now