Day 18

3 1 0

He said, "Come closer."
I didn't move.
He touched my chin
and looked into my eyes.
"Your eyes are really brown," he uttered.
And he looked into my eyes for a few seconds more.
And he smiled, like it's his first time to see brown eyes illuminated perfectly by the slight sunlight from the windows while indoors.
I didn't know having brown eyes could be so special.
Or it's only at that moment.
It's only during those moments
that the simple things
are perceived to be beautiful
by someone who is himself beautiful.

a/n: Can't think of a title for this one. This is Day 18 for 100 Days of Poetry.
8/10/2016 (late composition >_<)

Pinwheels and Dead LeavesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora