Day 21

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You look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes look tired.
Your entirety is.
You have no one to turn to
But you remember
That He's always there
No matter your state
No matter what color of mistakes you wear
or flavor of sadness you taste
He's there cradling you in your sleep
He knows your pains and sorrows
And when you're about to let go
(And oh how many a times you did)
You always have Him to hold your hand through the darkness.
When no one believes in you
When no one believes you
He's right there for you
As your strength
As your reason
To live
And to go forward
Even if you are exhausted
You have Him as your oil and your warm ember against the cold dark nights in your journey in this imperfect world.
You remember Him.
And it's enough to cure of all your fears and hopelessness.
With tears on your face, you smile
And declare
"I can do this, everything will be all right, because You're with me."

a/n: Day 21 entry for 100 Days of Poetry.

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