Ch. 8

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Cat Noir stood horrified at the base of the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug was being strangled by Speechless; her legs dangled helplessly, just out of reach of the ground.

"Ladybug!" Cat Noir shouted desperately. He quickly shimmied up the Eiffel Tower, fear for his love drove him ever faster. I'm coming, Milady. Finally he reached them, and with a powerful swing he sent his staff flying toward Speechless. It hit her side with a thunk, and the villian dropped Ladybug. Before Speechless had time to recover Cat Noir ran over and picked up his staff, then he came at the villain again.

He swung his staff at Speechless' head in hopes to knock her out, but she avoided him. He tried again, but she deflected it and punched his side. Cat Noir was winded for a second, but the hero quickly recovered. Speechless screamed at Cat Noir, but he avoided it. She screamed at him again, and he jumped out of the way.

"You know, for someone who calls themselves Speechless you sure talk a lot." Cat Noir joked. The villain yelled in frustration and ran at him. They exchanged a few more blows, and as they did Cat Noir happened to notice the dark purple chain that laid around Speechless' neck. It looks like the same chain Rose was wearing that night at the gala, and at school. She said it was a gift from Prince Ali. Cat Noir suddenly flipped backwards, and his foot caught Speechless in the jaw. The villain stumbled away, and Cat Noir ran to Ladybug.

"The akuma is in her necklace." Cat Noir told Ladybug. His partner didn't respond; she only sat there on the ground.

He bent down. "You okay?" She just slowly shook her head and looked up at him with sad eyes.

"I don't think I can be Ladybug anymore." She whispered. Cat Noir's heart stopped beating at this shock of news.

"But... Milady, you have to be Ladybug."

"Someone else can do a better job than me. I'm just a nobody in a mask."

Cat Noir shook his head. "But you aren't, Milady. You rise to the challenge every day, and together we have stopped these akumatized villains. Without you, I wouldn't have made it this far. Ladybug, whoever you are under that mask you are someone who is truly amazing."

Ladybug just shook her head. "You don't know who I am under all this, Cat Noir. I'm just..."

"You're just amazing. Ladybug, I believe in you. Now, will you believe what I say is true?"

She looked up at him, but a new, sort of sad determination was in her eyes. "I believe that what you say is true about Ladybug, but not about me." She stood defiantly and threw her yoyo into the air.

"Lucky charm!" A strip of cloth fell into her hands.

"Do you know what to do with it?"

Ladybug glared at Speechless. "I'm starting to get some ideas. Cat Noir, I need you to distract her; I'm going to come from behind."

Cat Noir nodded and ran over to Speechless, who had just recovered.

"Come get me, Ms. Babble!" He and Speechless started fighting again, and Ladybug began to sneak up behind the villain. When she was right behind Speechless she lunged forward. The villain tried to fight her off, but Ladybug hung on for dear life. Eventually she managed to get the cloth and gag Speechless. Ladybug jumped off and used her yoyo to tie up the villain.

"Looks like the crook is on the hook." Cat Noir said. Ladybug ignored him and grabbed the necklace. She broke it and a black and purple butterfly flew out.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" She swung her yoyo and captured the akuma. "Gotcha! Bye bye little butterfly." She said as the white butterfly flew into the sky. "Miraculous ladybug!" She took the gag off of Rose and threw it into the air.

"Wha- what happened?" Rose asked. "Ladybug! Is it really you?"

"The one and only." Cat Noir said with a smile.

"Pound it!" Cat Noir fist bumped Ladybug as her miraculous beeped.

"I gotta go." She took off before Cat Noir had a chance to stop her. He shook his head.

"She never stays for long, does she?" He sighed into the empty air.

"Maybe she never stays for a reason." Rose suggested in her high voice.

Cat Noir jumped; he had forgotten she was there. "What do you mean?" He asked curiously.

"Well, if she stayed for a while someone would undoubtedly find out her secret. Maybe she wants to remain a mystery."

Cat Noir huffed. "Well, I guess I'll just have to solve this mystery then."

Rose shrugged. "Not every mystery is solved you know. What if she doesn't want you to solve it? Or..." She left the sentence hanging.

"Or what?"

"Or maybe she wants you to find another mystery to solve."

Cat Noir contemplated this. He wasn't quite sure what Rose meant by that, but for some reason the thought wouldn't leave him. While he pondered Rose walked off and waved bye, but he was too deep in thought to notice. Another mystery? What could be the other mystery I need to solve?

A Miraculous Tale: SpeechlessWhere stories live. Discover now