Ch. 2

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Adrien walked through the crowds, looking for his classmates. He spotted Nathaniel and Alix and went over to them.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming!" He said.

They smiled. "Thanks for the invite, Adrien. This party is wicked!" Alix said.

Nathaniel nodded. "This room is definitely going in my art book."

Adrien smiled. "I'm glad you guys are enjoying yourselves. I gotta go say hi to everyone else. See ya!" He waved.

"See ya!" They said in unison.

Adrien walked away and spotted Kagami, his partner in fencing class. He was about to go over to her when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around only to be tackled by a yellow dress and a mass of blond hair.

"Hey, Adrikins!" Chloe singsonged as she gave him a tight hug. Adrien pushed her back and smiled. He saw Sabrina standing loyaly behind Chloe.

"Hey, Chloe. Hey, Sabrina. Are you guys enjoying the gala?"

"Yes, it is..." Sabrina started to say. Chloe cut her off.

"The gala is amazing, Adrikins! Your Father has a great sense of fashion. I came over to thank you for personally inviting me to the gala." She smiled and then made a face. "I'm still trying to figure out how the rest of our class got here though."

Adrien sighed. "Chloe, they are my friends. I invited all my friends to the gala."

Chloe groaned. "I will never understand you, Adrikins," She made lovey dovey eyes at him. "But I still think you're perfect!"

"Thank you, Chloe, but nobody is perfect."

"Way to be humble, Adrikins! I need to make a medal in you honor. Come Sabrina!" With that she turned, and her loyal friend followed. Chloe, you are something else. He turned and was planning to say hi to Kagami, but the girl had disappeared. Where'd she go? He started walking around in hopes of finding her, but he spotted Mylene instead. He walked over to her with a smile.

"Hey, Mylene!" He called. The nervous girl jumped and turned. When she saw that it was only Adrien she smiled.

"Hey, Adrien! Thanks for inviting me and Ivan and everyone else to the gala."

"Of course, you are all my friends."

"I wanted to tell you how happy Ivan was when he found out that the band was going to play at the beginning of the gala. He was ecstatic. That's all he talked about on the way over here."

Adrien grinned. "I'm glad he enjoyed playing. I thought the band would like it, plus they're incredible, so there really isn't any reason they wouldn't be able to play."

"Well, thank you, Adrien. Oh! Here he comes now!" Mylene grinned from ear to ear as she saw her boyfriend walk up to them.

"Hey, Mylene!" He said.

Mylene jumped up and hugged him. "You were fantastic, Ivan!"

"You really were." Adrien agreed.

"Hey, Adrien." Ivan said. Mylene was still hugging him.

"Hey." Adrien replied. Just then he saw Kagami out of the corner of his eye. "I gotta go say hi to someone. I'll see ya later, okay?"

"Okay. Have fun!" Mylene waved to him as he walked away. Kagami started walking the opposite way, and Adrien darted through the many guests in order to catch up. Finally she stopped and Adrien walked up to her.

"Hey, Kagami!" He panted.

She turned and smiled at him. "Hey, Adrien. Tired much?"

"Just a little." He said with a small laugh. "You look nice."

"Thanks, you too."

Adrien smiled. "I just wanted to say thanks for coming to the party."

"Of course. Anything for my partner." She said as she glanced sideways.

Adrien rubbed his head. "Yeah..."

Suddenly Kagami stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek.

Adrien blushed and was at a loss of words for a few seconds. "Wha... What was that for?" He asked.

Kagami smiled sweetly. "It was a thank you for being an awesome friend. The best in fact." She looked down and shuffled her feet. "It's been hard since I transferred schools, and I'm lucky you came to my rescue." She looked up and met his eyes. "You're a great friend."

Adrien's face turned red and he rubbed his neck. "Thanks Kagami. When I started going to school it was hard for me too. I don't know where I'd be without Nino, or Alya, or Marinette."


"Yeah. She's a great friend. She always puts other people before herself, and she's not scared to say her mind. She's a leader, and she's always there for her friends. And she really has a future in fashion designing. One day she may even surpass my Dad, but I'd never tell her, or him, that."

Kagami grew red, but Adrien didn't notice.

"Well, I better go. I have a few more classmates to greet. See you later, Kagami!"


He left her and walked off to go find his other classmates. While no one was looking Plagg flew out.

"Looks like someone has a crush on you!" He teased.

Adrien groaned. "Plagg, why in the world do you try to set me up with every girl but Ladybug. I've told you again and again I love her!"

Plagg snorted. "I'm trying to help you out lover boy. Ladybug has made it very clear that you two aren't going to happen."

Adrien winced. A guest started walking in their direction. "You better hide before anyone spots you!"

"You're no fun." Plagg complained as he hid again. Adrien sighed and went to greet some more friends.

A Miraculous Tale: SpeechlessWhere stories live. Discover now