Another school? So they aren't going to North Shore High next year? "What school?"

"I think its called Westerburg High? Its somewhere in Sherwood, Ohio. Frankly, I've never heard of it before." Regina stated.

I honestly didn't know any other schools besides North Shore High, so I just nodded.

"So are you coming along? I mean, you're one of us now, so our group wouldn't be complete without you!" Gretchen said.

"How do I apply?"

"Well, me, Karen, and Regina simply had to spend a couple thousand dollars on it, its mostly for the tuition and the dorm."

"I don't think I can pay for that."

"They have a scholarship, you can apply for that" Regina said.

"I'll ask my parents if I can apply" Transferring to another school already? I literally just adjusted to life at North Shore High. Then again, I have The Plastics to help me...

I was given a ride home, and the first thing that I asked my parents was permission to apply for the student exchange program. I told them all the details and how I can go for free through the scholarship.

"Are you sure about this Cady? You just transferred to North Shore High and you want to go to another high school?" my mom asked.

"And that's not the only thing, you are going to have to live on your own for the entire school year in a dorm." my dad added.

"Mom, Dad, I'll be fine. Besides it's going to be a new and exciting experience for me! I'll get to meet new people and make new friends! Also Regina and her friends are going too, so we will take care of each other."

"Well if you really want to, I don't really see any problem. This would also be a good learning experience for you as well!" Mom said

"First thing you need to do though is pass that scholarship exam!" Dad said

"Thanks mom and dad!" I went up to my room to study for the exam.

I applied the next day, and when the results came back, I saw that I passed. I texted the Plastics that I'm going with them to Westerburg. I was really excited as well. Another year, another school! There was actually a list of students who were going, so I decided to take a look. There were seven names under the list of 12th graders who were going to Sherwood, Ohio:

Regina George
Gretchen Wieners
Karen Smith
Aaron Samuels
Damian Hubbard
Janis Sarkisian
Cady Heron

Wait... Aaron Samuels?! Aaron is going to Westerburg as well? That can't be a coincidence... Anyway, apparently Janis and Damian are going too! At least all my friends are going with me. I have a good feeling that this year will be exceptional...

Janis's POV

"I'm not going." I told Damian as I saw the results of the scholarship for the exchange program. He drove me back to my house after I went to get the list of scholars to see if I passed. My parents encouraged me to take the exam since it would be "beneficial" for me. Damian also played a part in convincing me to apply since he was also going.

"Janis, hun, you can't just throw away a chance like this!" Damian said.

"Damian I applied to this thing to get away from the Plastics! Then, I found out that they are going with us to Ohio! I'm not going." I can't even believe The Plastics even found a way to pass the scholarship exam. They probably just paid for it or something.

"Not everyone has a chance like this Janis. Just because the Plastics are coming along doesn't mean that you shouldn't go. Don't let them ruin this for you." 

"You don't get it! I wanted a new, fresh start, without anybody hating me. Now that the Plastics are gonna be following me to Ohio that new fresh start is ruined." I flopped onto the couch, sulking.

"Jan, remember, other's opinions don't matter. Besides, I'll be there with you every step of the way." Damian took a seat next to me and gave me a comforting look. 

I looked at him and sighed. "You're right. I'm overthinking all of this."

Damian took the list from my hands. "Huh. Cady and Aaron are coming along as well."

"Wait, really?" I glanced over at the list. Apparently I got so upset over the Plastics that I didn't notice the other 2 names listed.

"That changes some things." I said. "She hasn't been talking to us much lately though."

"Maybe that has something to do with you encouraging her to join the Plastics so that she can be your spy..." 

I rolled my eyes. "I did that so I could have something to use against Regina as payback for what she did in the past."

"And that eventually backfired on us since we're barely communicating with her."

"Fine, lets talk to her once school starts" I stood up to make myself a snack. "Want anything?" I asked Damian.

"Eh, a PB&J sandwich will do."

-Woot 1390 words
- So the events of Mean Girls (up until the Christmas performance thing) happened in junior year
-Because of this, Cady is still part of the Plastics and Janis didn't ask her for help for her revenge party (yet)
-Cady still has a crush on Aaron here, Regina just hasn't interfered yet
-Aaron applied for the scholarship and passed (that's why he's there lol)

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