"That's a good plan but what if we don't get the boat?"

"Then we try and delay it enough. We gonna have Cray in a smaller boat nearby in case it goes south. He will then pick her up instead."

"Woo! I might be a hero!" Cray laughed, I love how he tries to lighten the mood in the darkest situations. I smiled at him.


We all talked for a while longer discussing the plan until Lan went home. I lied in my bed scrolling through Instagram until I fell asleep.

Brodey's POV

I decided to sleep in the downstairs lounge room next to y/n's room. I'm already overprotective I know but I don't want her to hurt herself if she has the same darkness as me. It's taken a lot of strength not to break down today. I've got my laptop and started watching Netflix to pass the time until I fell asleep.


"AHHHHHH!" A voice squealed. I jumped out of bed and ran into her room. She was asleep but was drowned in sweat and in a fit. I shook her a little.

"Y/n wake up." She didn't. "Y/n." I said a little louder she opened her eyes. Pupils small with fear. "It's ok, you're gonna be fine."

"But Brods... what if he does. You know." She said worryingly, I knew what she was referring too. She may have lied to Lannan saying he was the only one that knew besides our mum. I knew too. She told me 2nd week.

"Y/n, fight him then. Use his weaknesses, you're smart to use them." I sat down at the end of her bed. She crossed her legs.

"But what if it happens again? I don't want to go through the process again."

"Even if you have to, I'll be right there the whole way."

"It pains me I haven't said it to Lannan."

"You don't have too, it's your decision sis, you're in control." She played with her hands.

"Lay with me?" She asked innocently.

"Always." I climbed under her doona and embraced her into a hold. A hold I would have always done. There's a lot more to the story than she told Lannan. It was a conjoined rape. Riley and Peter. Peter was the coverup then he suddenly died. Wonder why? Riley was in charge of it all. Some stupid grudge he held against her back in year 7. It's honestly stupid. She only says its Peter because she's scared of what Riley will do. He's capable of anything. My thoughts drifted for a while before falling asleep. Unaware of who will wake me in the morning.


I woke up to the Sydney sun shining through the large ocean view window.

"GET UP FUCKERSSS!" A voice screamed.

"ugh Luf it's too early." y/n whined stretching her arms and legs out in a starfish position. completely unaware I was still in her bed. "BRODS" she squealed.

"Yeah what?"

"You stayed?" she asked sitting up. Lufu walked out as her mission was accomplished. I sat up with her,

"Of course, you're my sister. I'm gonna stay with you forever." I smiled softly at her, she returned the smile. I got up and walked back up to my room. Mentally preparing myself for the week to come. Elliot said it was a whole week before the final stage. I got dressed and walked up another floor to the kitchen to see y/n in a tight hug with Lannan. She honestly deserves someone like him. Lannan wouldn't do anything like Peter and Riley. I got my waffles out of the pantry.

"OOO LET ME HELP!" y/n cried. I laughed. We both loved our waffles. She slid into the kitchen as I got the toaster out. We worked as a team to create the best waffles we could. She didn't look scared or worried which was weird. Maybe she's just keeping an act up in front of Lannan, she seems to do that a lot.

"Hey Bazz, come 'ere" I heard Lannan say from across the floor. I grabbed my plate of waffles and walked over to him. I swear, y/n only calls me my actual name. But it's fine. "Is y/n ok?"

"I think so," I wondered what Lannan was thinking.

"so...no nightmares or?"

"well, last night she woke up. She asked me to lie with her."


"Lannan don't think too much of it."

"She's keeping stuff again." He raised his hands over his head.

"Lannan, listen. She doesn't mean too. It's just apart of us. I have the same darkness. We're scared to be vulnerable, you just need to let her know you're there." Lannan thought about this.

Trapped. (Lazarbeam x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora