5| Something In The Rain-Part II

Start from the beginning

"That's your job, Scarlett! You are my secretary-"

I tighetend my fingers around his collar. "That's what I'm trying to remind you. I'm your secretary! Your PA. Not your servant! The way you treat me, any other person would've left this job a long time ago-"

"I never told you to keep working for me anyway! You do this because you want it!"

"I do this because I have my reasons! Don't behave like you know me very well!" I glared at him and he put his hands around my fingers clutching his collar, pulling my fingers away from his shirt.

"You keep talking informally to me, it's getting on my nerves now!"

"You started it first-" I defended myself, clutching his collar tightly around my fingers.

"I think I've done the biggest mistake in my life by ever confiding you my secrets! I should've treated you like a poor sick soul of a servant you are! They say right, never try to keep the shoe you wear, on your head and I think I'm realizing the essence of that quote by now only!"

Damn, that hurt a little.

I didn't know what came on me but the hand clutching his collar, now collided with the side of his face with such an intensity we both stood still afterwards, not saying anything to each other. His face was slightly turned to his side, his cheek turning white from the prints of my fingers.

We stood staring at each other in the rain, his eyes widening as a whole, realizing the gravity of the situation while my hand was on my side, stinging like I was struck with lightening as I could feel my fingers shaking from what I just did.

Our chests were heaving heavily as the each breath we took was the reminder of the lingering hate we both had on our eyes for each other.

Or perhaps, his hatred was for Kiara who cheated on him with some rag he didn't see deserving of her than himself, who was willing to do anything for her.

While mine was for myself who hated herself for loving the person standing in front of me, the person like him who changed so much in just a year.

"You really don't realize what influence I have on you? Or on your future, right?" He asked, glaring at me, his voice laced with controlled rage while he took one step towards me.

I took one step back, glaring back at him. "You think I care about my future after I had been living like a servant for a person like you for eight years?!"

"You talk about respecting the person in heirarchy and power and yet you don't respect your own boss?!" He said, taking another step towards me and for a second, I flinched seeing his eyes darkening with burning rage but I continued on anyway, taking two steps back from him.

"You don't need to be respected to feel as a boss, Heath." I said, eyeing him warily as his gaze flickered down my face, to my half-exposed heaving chest, lingering there for longer than I expected. His tempting gaze then shifted to my bare thighs and legs, leaving a trail of tingle down my burning core, making me feel hot and uncomfortable under his intense stare.

"You talk about being treated as a woman when the state you are in right now, makes me think you'd suit to be treated as someone employed to give pleasure instead."

He called me a prostitute. A slut!

I grinded my teeth in frustration. "You know what?! Thanks for reminding me you were my boss and you hold key to my future and blah blah blah..." I took two steps towards him and stood erect facing him, my eyes reflecting rage and determination. "'Cause then I wouldn't have realized how much I actually hate men like you."

Half Hope, Half Love | ᴜɴʀᴇǫᴜɪᴛᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇWhere stories live. Discover now