The Narrow Gate

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A non-believer will share in the world's fate

From not seeing the narrow and small pearly gate

And everyone is searching for heaven's pearly gates

But only few will enter through the narrow and small pearly gate

The non-believers who are the left behind will be to late

From not seeing the narrow and small pearly gate

And everyone is searching for heaven's pearly gates

But only few will enter through the narrow and small pearly gate

Non-believers will die in their sins and will surely see heaven's pearly gates

And non-believers at that time will be unable to enter through the narrow and small pearly gate

And everyone is searching for heaven's pearly gates

But only few will enter through the narrow and small pearly gate

Born-Again Christians have entered through the narrow and small gate

And the beloved children of God will forever be able to dwell behind heaven's pearly gates

And everyone is searching for the narrow and small pearly gate

But only those who have personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth will enter His gate

Wisdom For TodayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz