(Ch.19) Awakening in the Lamp Light

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Ryder frustratedly felt around for the lamp on her bedside table, trying to figure out how to turn the damn thing on. She was grateful for the large windows and the bright moonlight streaming in, otherwise her room would have been pitch black.

Dinner had been beautiful, every aspect of the presentation from the elegant crystal serving trays, to the delicious food. The only part that had fallen short was the conversation. Ryder had been planning on getting a lot more information from Athos at dinner, but he was called away just as the three of them, Athos, Tairin, and herself, sat down to eat. Something having to do with an emergency in town. Ryder had wanted to call after him, and demand the answers he had promised, but he was gone before she could form a worthy protest.

It was just her and Tairin at one end of the long dining table. She was also annoyed that neither Graynin nor Pierce had joined them. She knew they were staying in the house because she had seen glimpses of them throughout the day, always whispering in serious voices. She had hoped to make Graynin good on his negotiation. He too had promised her answers, but it seemed that he could avoid keeping the promise if he avoided her all together.

She was so annoyed with practically everyone, that her and Tairin ate primarily in silence. Which Tairin didn't seem to mind, he was on the brink of falling asleep in his soup. His full day catching up with him.

After they had finished their silent meal Tairin had walked her to her room, which she was grateful for since she had forgotten where it was.

As they hugged goodnight she found herself wanting to hang onto him. She was afraid of what dreams the night would bring, so much emotion had been stirred up in her from what seemed an impossible day. But his defenses were back up, he pulled away from her embrace before she was ready, and he didn't try and kiss her when she stared up at him.

Her anger boiled up at his rejection, just another emotion to stoke the fire. She would have slammed the door in his face if he hadn't already been half sleep walking down the hall to his own room. Just perfect, she thought bitterly to herself, back to the friendzone for me.

And now, here she was, stuck in a dark room with no idea how to turn on the blasted lights. She was considering throwing the stupid lamp off the balcony when she heard a soft tap on the frame of her door. She turned to see her door wide open and Graynin standing in the doorway, with an expression she couldn't read.

Even more perfect, she thought, as she rolled her eyes. Just who I don't want to see, Mr. Anti-social himself.

"Do you need some assistance turning on the lamp?" Graynin asked.

Ryder gritted her teeth to prevent herself from yelling at him, for no reason having to do with the lamp. But some sass managed to slip out, "what do you think?" Her heated stare daring him to ask another stupid question. "I can't find the switch, and this room has no outlets, so I don't even understand how it can work at all!"

Without a word Graynin entered the room, the wood floor boards didn't even squeak as he made his way over to her. She had no idea how his big body could move so silently, especially when she always sounded like a stampede of elephants walking around.

He took the lamp from her without a request and examined it.

"There is no switch on this one, it's meant to be powered by the occupant of the room." He said matter-of-factly, as he handed the lamp back to her.

"What the hell does that mean?" She asked bitterly, now considering if she could somehow throw him out the window.

His grey blue eyes locked on hers, she lost her voice, and the wild sass monster running around inside her whimpered and hid. She wasn't scared of him, but there was something that she couldn't identify, something that silenced her when his mesmerizing gaze locked on her.

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