Chapter 21

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Alex's P. O. V.

I wrapped my hands around Legolas' torso. "I miss you," I whispered.

"Me too, love. Even though we spent the last few months together," he said.

I nodded. I was exhausted, after 'the first warning' , all I did was train, study, train, study, train, study, and it goes on and on. Legolas carried me, slowly laying me on the bed. I was at his room.

He slammed his lips on mine. My hands were pinned down, our fingers intertwined. His lips traveled down my neck, sucking at my sweet spot, making me moan in pleasure.

Moments later, he rolled off me. "Not now, love. Once we're home, you're mine..." he growled in my ear. Shivers traveled down my back. Legolas looks like a nice, sexy guy but when it comes to fun time under the covers, you'll find him, well loveable.

I placed a kiss on his neck, "I'll always be yours..."

He chuckled and stood up. He took of his tunic. Man, I love those abs! He walked to his closet, opened it, taking out a silk night pants and then I closed my eyes. Its obvious he's going to strip right? And I'm no pervert and I don't want to see his dong.

I felt the mattress sink on the other side. I opened my eyes to see Leggy sitting down, reading a book. The Fault in Our Stars. I'd love to see him tear up, I know it's mean. But somehow I find it cute when a guy with a big heart cry after reading TFIOS, although I haven't seen guy cry over TFIOS before.

"Night, Legolas. Off the lights later," I said before sliding under the covers. I shut my eyes. I then felt a pair of arms on my waist. I opened my eyes, the lights were off and Legolas was already getting ready to wander off into his dreams.

"Legolas, you can read if you want to," I said.

"No. I want to cuddle with you." He said.

"Alright," I turned facing him. My head was resting on his chest now. It felt like 1000 years back. Ah... sweet memories.

"What are you thinking of?" Legolas asked.


"Okay. Good night..."  he wrapped his hands around me. And kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Unknown's P. O. V.

Look at them all smoochy and lovey dovey! Ugh! Legolas would have been mine if that girl didn't step in. I'm so glad, Alaya found me. Together... we are unstoppable. All I have to do is lead Alyxon to Alaya and in return I'll get my Leggy...

"So what news do you bring, Dalena?" My mistress asked.

"They're gathering an army, and they have some wood they hold and when they chant some spell, it magically moves!"

"No wonder my son doesn't want you! It's magic!"

"Ohh... and hey! Leggy loves me he's just under that dumb girl's spell!"

"Nobody calls my son Leggy, besides me!" Alaya's voice boomed.

"Chill! I get it, no calling Legolas, Leggy!"

"Okay... now I want to get closer to Legolas' bride and make sure you bring her to me, unharmed and alive!"

"Yes, yes..." I bowed down and skipped away.

I opened the small bottle I had in my pocket and took a sip of the disgusting liquid. Tastes like crap.

I flicked my blonde hair and walked down the empty halls of this stupid school.  

"Hey! You!" A male called.


"Yes you! What are you doing down here so late at night?"

"Oh... nothing just looking for some blood to spill!" I plunged a dagger into this male's heart. Blood flowed out of his useless body. I dipped my fingers in the blood and wrote -Surrender... or more will face this fate!- on the wall. I grinned.


Bam bam bammmmmm! So who do you think it is? And I know some of you guys were hoping for some smut ;) but you'll have to wait! Yes I'm evil(lol, jk)!

And I just realized my description is really crappy! Gotta rewrite the description after the book is finish :P







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