Chapter 8

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Legolas's P. O. V.

Alex and I have been talking about our life for a period of time. How I wish she knew her life in Middle-Earth... I wanted to blurt it out so badly.

"So besides drawing, what else can you do?" I asked.

"Promise not to tell anybody..." Alex started.


"Only you, Katie and Lily and my parents know this. I have a talent that tops everything off -archery- It's so easy to work with a bow and an arrow!"

"Why don't you want anybody to know about it?"

"It's a dark secret..." Alex said. I just love hearing her voice, "So tell me, Legolas, what are the elvish dietary?"

"Elves are healthy eaters, we prefer green food but some of us eat meat. Some elves eat a balance amount off vegetables and meat, so these elves are more energetic and all. We also have a great taste in wine. Blackberry wine, red wine, white wine, grape wine, you name it! And we also have Lembas, elvish waybread, one bite can fill a full grown man's stomach."

"Wow... I wish I was an elf." Alex said. My love... you are an elf...

"Maybe you are an elf."

"How am I an elf? I'm just an ordinary girl who studies witchcraft and wizardry."

"Then how do you explain your pointy ears?"

"It's either I was born with it or it's like asking why you are named Legolas," Alex said.

A blood curdling scream filled my ears. Alex was alarmed, she got up and ran out of the door. I followed behind. A woman with hair dark as the night, I could see fear in her eyes.

"Finite Incantatem!" a boy with ginger hair screamed, he was thrown back.

"Finite Incantatem!" Alex waved her wand in front of the girl. Alex didn't get thrown back like the boy, her magic was repelled causing her to fall on her knees. Two girls which were her best friends, Katie and Lily ran by her side.

"She's so cold..." Lily said. Alex then gasped.

"That magic... it's so dark... darkest I've ever seen and felt..." Alex said as she got up. Darkness filled the sky, once soft white clouds has become dull. Snow that fell from the sky turned grey.

"Merlin's Beard! Look up there!" a man warned, witches and wizards in masks, dressed all black, flying on broomsticks approached us fast (not in a good way).

"Death Eaters!" Lily screamed. People panicked and started running, chaos started.

"Legolas! Get your men in the inn now!" I hear Alex scream.

"We can handle them!" I screamed back.

"You can't take them without magic, it only takes one spell and you will die on the spot! Just get them in, I'll explain later!"

"Fine..." I said. I ran over a group of elves and gestured them to follow me.

Alex's P. O. V.

Death Eaters. Just perfect! And there is about a dozen of them, don't forget they are on broomsticks...

"Stupefy!" I pointed it at one of the Death Eaters. He managed to escape. I felt my muscles tearing apart, my bones twisting and turning, my skin on fire, I screamed in pain. God damn whoever hit me with that bloody curse!

I got up after 10 seconds of hell and threw a body-bind spell on one of the Death Eaters. I took the wand out of the witch's  hand.8 inch, pine, troll whisker. Yup, definitely born to be evil. Yes I can tell what are the wood, core and how many inches your wand is. Now to kicking the servants of the Dark One's arses.

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