As much as he didn't want to admit it and keep her safe in Winterfell, she had a solid plan of attack. Whoever these raiders were, would not expect a counterattack, especially since the news of Torrhen's Square attack. He knew this was what she had been trained to do and had been an excellent marksman since she was little. If anyone could do this, it was Jaidyn.

"Okay." Maester Luwin said with a nod. "But I advise you, Jaidyn, to proceed with caution."

"I will." Jaidyn spoke grateful that he wasn't going to talk her out of her plan.

She didn't waste anymore time as she gathered her belongings and left to the stables. Her plan was well adapted to her own abilities.

Imagine her surprise when she began her ride out only to be stopped before she left the gates. A group of boys stood there all holding various weapons of their own. They all seemed around her she and looked to have never seen a fight in their lives.

"Your Grace, we've heard of these raiders in the village and would be honored to follow you in defending it." One spoke his hand gripping a spear.

"We would've followed King Robb into battle if our fathers hadn't insisted we tend to our lands and left with him." Another stated, a sword strapped to his waist. "We are children of the North and will protect our home. We will follow the crowned Bear into battle."

As much Jaidyn didn't want them to go for their safety, she knew what they were feeling. Their only intentions were to protect their home but any means. How could she tell them no?

"Do you know how to use those weapons?" She asked wanting to be certain before she did anything.

"Yes. We were trained but were passed over when the bannerman were called in." One insisted a quiver laid over his shoulders.

"We if are to get to the village in time, we need to leave now. Grab a horse any horse and the castle will deal with the matter later." She instructed getting them to nod before going their separate ways.

While she waited for them to assemble again, her mind was running over the plan in her head. In order for it to suit more parties than her, she needed to find a better way. One that would suit the rest, she could only hope that their skills were decent enough. Once they had gathered on top of horses, they set out.

Theon and his group had secure a position for viewing waiting for anyone to leave in the direction of the village. His plan counted on whatever fighters left to defend the village. But he's thinking did count of the fact that Jaidyn would still be there, not leading the group.

In order for him to secure the castle, he needed Jaidyn to relinquish her power to him. Holding the Stark brothers would only strengthen his hold. But his main goal was the Queen and the unborn heir to the North.

《Somewhere in the North》

Stryder had ride as hard as he could to get to his destination in time. But when he arrived the siege had already gone underway.

He pulled his sword before sneaking in from behind with full intent of fighting his way to Jaidyn. He would get her out and to safety if it mean his life.

When he made the deal with Jorah, it was only being a messenger for a friend. Until he got to know Jaidyn a bit more. From what he could tell, she was a caring leader who also displayed fierceness. But what had really caught his attention was how she wielded a weapon. The only woman he knew that held weapons were thoughts of stories. Jaidyn was defying the viewpoint that a lady were not meant to be on battlefield.

The Black Bear 》Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now