Daddy issues

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Maybelle watched as her father left the large house through the brown door, he had claimed that he had an urgent business meeting in New York and would not make it for dinner. Her mother though disappointed believed him without question. Maybelle on the other hand had her own doubts which she planned to investigate her family's future depended upon it.

"Maybelle sweetheart are you alright". Her mother's concerned voice broke her thoughts.

"I am quite fine mother why do you ask". She said with a fake smile that did not reach her almond shaped eyes.

"Well I have speaking to you the last three minutes and you seem to far away". Her mother said, her face strained with worry. Lenore knew that the shooting incident had traumatized her daughter, she worried she would never be the same.

"Oh I was fretting about my up coming exams. Nothing to worry yourself about. Now you were saying?". She spoke fast attempting to change the topic. Her mother gave a questing look before speaking.

"I was saying that I wanted to get a few new dresses for church. There is a new boutique that just opened down town and apparently they sell designers from Paris now how about we make it a girl's day out. Its been a while since spent time together alone" . Excitement laced her mother's as she spoke.

"I am sorry mother but I was planning to go to Stacey's house to study. I am writing an English exam on Monday perhaps after my I have completed all my exams we can spend time together without any distractions". She attempted to lift her mother's mood. Lenore nodded.

"I will see you later. I love you". She kissed her daughter's forehead before heading out the door. Maybelle stood at the large window watching her mother's driver pull the car out of the driveway.

She quickly went upstairs to retrieve her jacket as well as her purse. She pulled out a wad of one hundred dollar bills which was her allowance. She planned to take the train to New York like the last time and find out what her father has been up to once and for all.
She finally arrived in New York and took a cab to the hotel she went to last. She arrived at the hotel and went to the front desk which was occupied by a pale skinned brunette whose name tag read Grace. Maybelle thought the name was pretty.

"Good afternoon miss how may help you". Grace said with a smile in which Maybelle returned.

"I am here to visit my father his name is Albert White. What would help me by telling me his room number". Maybelle said sweetly.

"Unfortunately I don't think I can disclose that kind of information but I can call him and tell him about your visit". Grace replied grabbing the telephone.

"No no. I wanted it to be surprise is there anything you can do to help me please". That sweet voice that worked with her father came out.

"Unfortunately miss I am unfamiliar with how things work here. You see I usually work in the Atlantic City wing of the hotel but today they were short staff this side so they called me in". She rushed out.

"You work in Atlantic City?. I am actually from there I used the train to come this side." Maybelle said with a smile.

"Wait you from Atlantic City wait are you Maybelle White". Grace said wide eyed and Maybelle nodded.

"Of course you are Albert White's daughter urgh. I'm such a clutz". Grace said swatting her forehead and Maybelle giggled.

"Let me look for you". Grace said scanning the books. Maybelle noticed a small tattoo on her hand but could not make out what it read.

"Oh I like you tattoo,its so swell my mother would literally murder me if I ever got one". Maybelle said with a small smile.

"Aww thanks my mother nearly had a heart attack when she saw it". They both giggled.

"What does it say". Maybelle asked tracing it gently.

"Salvatore. Its the name of the love of my life. We went apart for a while but now things a better than ever, we have been spending a lot of time together". She replied with a blush recalling all the love making with Salvatore.

"That's a beautiful story. I wish you both the best". Maybelle replied and Grace smiled.

"Room 109 eighth floor take the elevator to the left". Grace said with a sweet smile they both thanked it each other and Maybelle turned and went to the elevator getting in before pressing the buttons.

The elevator came to a stop and Maybelle walked out looking for room one hundred and nine. She finally spotted at the end of corridor. She lifted up her hand up to knock but as she was about to the door opened slowly and before her was a scene that completed shattered everything she thought was true. Her father stood there with a huge smile on his face in his arms a little girl no older than three. A woman who seemed to be in her twenties stood next to them with a proud smile on her face and she gave her father a look that her mother gave to him but what haunted was the little girls words.

"Daddy. Daddy". Her sweet voice said and Chalky lovingly kissed the girl putting on the floor and as he stood his eyes caught something at the door and he froze in his spot.

"Babygirl". He said as he watched his daughter tear stricken face at the door before she bolted away before he could comprehend anything.

Maybelle ran out that hotel like it was on fire. She ran not knowing where she was going, she was in an unfamiliar city but she didn't care she just wanted to run away from everything. The man who she thought to be honourable was a liar, her family was a lie, her whole life was a lie. She finally came to a stop and went to a payphone to call the one man she knew would not disappoint her.

"Charles". She broke down crying when he picked up.

"What's wrong". Charles shot up to his feet from his seat.

"Come me get please". She sobbed.

"Where are ya". He was panicking was she in danger.

"Opposite Hyde street".She said as her blurred vision read the street name.

"Don't move I'll be there now". He said grabbing his things rushing out.

Maybelle nodded as if he could see, she hung up the phone before collapsing on the ground in tears. Never before had she experienced such anger and disappointment. She had experience her first heartbreak by a man and what made it worse it was not by a romantic lover but by her father.

I cried a little writing this
. Thoughts?. Please vote comment and share.😚😘😙

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