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Meyer walked into the hospital room and immediately noticed his friend whose face was still covered in bandages laying on the bed. To say he was relieved that Charles survived was would be an understatement, he was not only his best friend but the godfather to his two sons.

One of them, Buddy had a severe  learning  disability, Meyer found it difficult to interact and bond with his son but Charles had a of  way of communicating with the boy that even the best doctors and psychologist hadn't figured out, so he knew his son would be deeply traumatized if his beloved uncle Charlie didn't make it.

"You are truly a lucky son of a b*tch aren't you. Pun intended". Meyer joked whilst taking a seat next to the hospital bed. Charles just glared at him.

"Okay Okay, I was attempting to lighten up the mood". He said holding his hands up in surrender.

"How the meeting with my lawyer go?". Charles spoke for the first time since coming to the hospital which was three days ago. His voice was, even more, rougher and impossibly deeper.

"He managed to get the police to back off for a while but they still want to pinch you for that possession of an illegal weapon warrant and they still suspicious about your little brush with death". Meyer replied sighing and Charles nodded in response. The was a moment of silence for a while before Meyer spoke.

"Maybelle wants to see you, she managed to get my number and has been calling non-stop". Meyer said looking at his friend who tensed up but remained silent.

"Should I bring her to....". Meyer continued.

"Grace is pregnant. She's having my baby". Charles suddenly interrupted and it was Meyer's turn to tense up.

"Oh". He said not knowing what to say, he was extremely shocked.

"Yeah, there's nothing left between me and Maybelle". He said.

"Dammit, Charlie I told you about messing with this girl". Meyer said sighing.

"Surely Chalky White is going to go after you for breaking his daughter's heart". He said covering his face with his hand.

"Speaking of attacks you know who did this to you?". He asked and his friend remained silent.


"It was Grace's father". Charles replied and Meyer shot up from his seat.

"Dammit, Charlie how many times have I told you to stop f*cking around. Sh*t". He said pacing around the room and a soft knock came in and as if on cue Grace came in.

"Hey everyone". She said giving a weak smile and Meyer nodded in reply.

"I brought food". She said gesturing to the tub in her hand.

"Listen I have to go. We will talk about this later". Meyer said getting his coat before walking out.

Grace turned and looked at Charles, he had not said a word to her since the incident and she worried that he might hate her. She visited him every day because the doctors wouldn't allow her to sleep over. Her mother chastised her saying that too much stress was not good for the baby, her doctor and recommended taking up smoking since cigarettes would calm the baby but Grace found the smell repulsive and she didn't want to make decisions regarding the baby without consulting Salvatore after all it was his baby. He might not speak to her but he allowed her to give him sponge baths and feed him since he was still handcuffed to the bed.

"Are you hungry?". She said lifting up the tub. He remained quiet. She walked towards him.

"I know hospital food sucks and you love your good food". She said opening the tub and shoving a spoon in the rice before scooping it up and moving it to his mouth gesturing for him to open up. He looked at her for a while before opening his mouth and allowed her to feed him.

"I was worried you were starting to lose your appetite". She said with a small smile whilst continuing to feed him.

After she finished feeding him, she took a napkin and wiped the ends of his mouth before taking a glass of water and helping him to drink it. He had been quiet the entire time, he just silently watched her take car of him as she had been doing since the attack.

"How's the baby". He spoke to for the first time and what seems forever. Her heart began beating fast and she stopped all her movements.

"He's fine". She said as she placed a hand on her belly.

"You want to feel him, he's still tiny but I read its good for bonding with him". She said and he nodded his head, she took his hand and put it in her belly relishing his warm touch.

"You know your son has been giving me terrible morning sickness". She said with a small smile.

"Son?, ya think its a boy". He asked.

"I have a feeling it is". She said as she softly rubbed his hand which was still on her belly. There was silence again before he spoke.

"We gonna have to get married". He said and she swore her heart flew out of her chest and her breath halted.

"What?". She breathed, not trusting her eyes maybe her mind was playing tricks on her.

"We gonna have to legitimize him and get married". He repeated and she fought the urge to scream out in joy. Everything she has ever wanted was coming true, she was going to be his wife and she carried his son, his first son. She knew deep down in heart it was a boy it had to be, she didn't want to disappoint him by giving him a girl as a firstborn.

"When are you thinking of having the wedding". She asked breaking out her thoughts.

"We gonna have a court wedding, for now, I have a lot going on". He said.

"Oh". She said with a defeated tone. She had always wanted a big wedding but she was still marrying the man she loved and that's all that mattered.

"Ya can have the wedding after I take care of everything meanwhile ya can plan it or whatever ya girls do". He said and she squealed in excitement hugging him tightly.

"I love you, Charles". She kissed him and he remained silent

Grace could not believe her ears, she had been dreaming about this forever. Even though she would have preferred to be married before getting pregnant it didn't matter. She was marrying the man she loved, she was aware that he was not in love with her he was just fulfilling his obligations but she believed that he would fall in love with her eventually. She just had to play her part as a loving, faithful and obedient wife, Charles was a man's man and she knew he wouldn't appreciate a wife who didn't know her place, she wouldn't dare to step out of line with him or her entire marriage would be ruined.

My professor decided to be a darling and extend our due date and therefore since I am almost done with it any way I decided to be a darling and update. I was half asleep when I wrote this so if it's bad I apologize

 Elijah 'Eli' Thompson on top

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