Shoot Out

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Charles entered the room, he began unpacking his suitcase and retrieved his gun, he walked towards a small table and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He was preparing himself for taking out Chalky, he wanted to this quickly because despite his profession he did not particularly enjoy killing or any form of violence. He thought of it to be a waste of time, money and men. They could be making money instead of shooting each other besides too much violence brought attention from the cops and Charles could not stand those pigs. Despite his reservations, he was not above killing at the end of the day he did what he had to do to get what he wanted.

He loaded his gun making sure it would not jam, not that it ever happened to him since he was brilliant with a gun. Charles was Masseria's best gunman and that is why he was favored above the others, ten years ago in 1949 Masseria was involved in a gang war with a fellow Sicilian Mafioso. The man's name was Giovanni Branco, he had come to do business in America in the 30s when Benito Mussolini took down the mob in Italy. After the second world war ended and Mussolini was assassinated, Branco saw an opportunity in connecting the two mobs problem was he would receive his shipments from Sicily in New York which is Masseria's territory.

Masseria for obvious reasons did not too kindly to Branco's business on his territory, he demanded that the man pay him commission tax which Branco refused and thus igniting a gangster war. Branco realized that he was losing the war and he invited Masseria to lunch so they could negotiate and come to an agreement. Masseria not realizing that he was being set up agreed and went to go meet with Branco in his restaurant as he was eating a gunman came from behind Masseria and fired three times aiming to the head, fortunately for him the man was an incompetent imbecile and missed hitting Masseria's hat and thus earning him the moniker of the man who can dodge bullets.

After Masseria's botched assassination a shoot out began in the restaurant between the two gangs. Branco, realizing that he was losing men fled out the back door and ran across the street being chased by Masseria's men who were firing bullets at him and missing. Charles who was just a young man of twenty-two years at the time came out of nowhere firing two shots, one bullet hit and killed Branco in one go, the other hit an eight-year-old boy who was trying to run away from the commotion, It would be his first time killing a child. He became Masseria's most trusted man from that moment on.

He put the gun in his waist and opened his hotel room door slightly to observe the movement of the guests, he already knew which room Chalky was in but he did not want to rush it. He was glad because it seemed Chalky was alone and did not bring any of his men which would make Charles' task easier. He slowly moved towards Chalky's hotel room with his gun his hand, he was about to knock on the door when he heard something that made his stomach drop.

"Come on daddy please". That familiar sweet voice came out and Charles cursed himself. Maybelle was in the room, that was not part of the plan Chalky was supposed to be alone in that room. Joe didn't say anything about him bringing his daughter.

"F*ck sh*t f*ck". Charles whisper yelled as he fought the urge to bang his head against the wall. He was angry Masseria had put him in a difficult position by expecting him to kill not only Chalky but his daughter too. In Joe's defense, it was not above Charles to kill anyone regardless of gender or age but Maybelle was not just anyone she was his fancy face. He was still unsure of his feelings towards the girl, he had lost his mind when she had another man in her room something he has never done since he didn't care about his previous girls but he was still not sure if he had feelings for this was all foreign to him, he had never asked a girl to be his steady before yet with Maybelle he asked her the third time he saw her. He knew it would be in the girl's best interest if he broke it off before she got too involved but he enjoyed spending time with her, she brought out a side in him he didn't know he still had.

A sudden click of a gun broke him out thoughts, he turned around and before he could comprehend anything Gyp Rossetti, one of Masseria's men fired three shots at the door and a loud scream pierced through before more shots were fired this time coming from the room. Charles quickly realized that Joe had sent more men after him and Chalky was not alone as they thought he had brought his men. As a shoot out began Charles could only think of one person, he shot through the hotel door kicking it open as Gyp and Masseria's men followed him in.

The hotel suite's dining area was empty and he assumed Chalky and his men were hiding in the rooms before they could do anything gunfire erupted and chaos ensued, Charles fired whilst running to the only room with the door closed. He slipped in hoping she was there he looked around until he heard what seemed to be soft sobbing. He walked towards the wardrobe opening it and saw her huddled into a corner, he sighed in relief for a second before her loud scream pierced through the room. He quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

"Shh it's me, look at me it's okay ". He said softly hushing her. She looked at him before throwing herself at him and holding him in a tight embrace whilst sobbing. Never in her life has she ever been so scared and she wanted someone to hug her and tell her everything is okay.

"Charles I am so glad that you are here". She cried into his shoulder not bothering to ask why he was here. That was honestly the last thing on her mind at this point she just wanted to go home and regretted why she was here in the first place. Her father had said he was going to New York on businesses and she begged him to come with but he refused. Being the rebellious teenager she is, she took a train with some assistance from friendly commuters from Atlantic City to Brooklyn there she followed her father to the hotel. He was furious and was busy scolding her when the shooting began.

As much as she regretted coming here, she was glad that she was in Charles's arms with him comforting her as he sobbing decreased he kissed her forehead softly.

"I'm here shh, I'll always be here". He whispered softly.

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What a man ,what a man what a mighty good man. Lol, I love that song. Our main man Lucky on top

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