Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Uke! Prussia x Seme! Austria SMUT)

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Suggested by @canadathedemon

This isn't my phone I'm updating on, and Gilbird keeps on getting autocorrected to Gilmore... Anyway, this is my longest chapter yet (over 3000 words!), so I do hope you enjoy it. Especially Canada, since she requested this xxx.

His poise was at its usual perfection as his gloved fingers flew across the the black and white keys of the grand piano in front of him, his body swaying forward and backward ever so slightly with each melodic note that was played. What composer was it? Bach? Beethoven? Prussia wasn't entirely sure; piano wasn't his forte in music. Austria continued to play, the notes being played at the perfect tempo without any breaks or pauses. 

Then it suddenly hit Prussia. Austria was playing 'Eine kleine Nachtmusik' by Mozart! Prussia remembered Austria always speaking so lovingly of the piece, as it was his favourite by the Austrian composer. As the song came to a finish, Prussia made sure that he was securely hidden in his hiding place as Austria stood up, smoothing out his chestnut-coloured hair and straightening his glasses. His ahoge twitched ever so slightly. His navy blue coat- which appeared to be purple at first glance, but Prussia knew better than to assume so- swept about his legs as he walked with purpose, straight-backed as always, making sure that his white jabot tied around his neck wasn't wrinkled.

For a long time now, Prussia felt himself drawn to the aristocratic man that had just left the room. He didn't exactly know why, if he were to be completely honest. He would never admit it to others, for he viewed himself to be too 'awesome' to admit such feelings to lesser beings.

He quickly stalked his way over to the piano and stared at the title on the sheet of music. So it was Eine kleine Nachtmusik! Prussia internally congratulated himself on remembering. 'A Little Night Music' it was in English, if Prussia remembered correctly.

He sat down on the stool where Austria was sat previously; he could still feel the warmth of the seat. Prussia attempted- key word, attempted- to mimic the movements of Austria's hands over the keys, something he found exceedingly difficult. How on earth could he read this? Prussia didn't understand the notes and squiggles on the sheets of paper.

"I had a feeling," a voice said from behind him. Prussia turned around to see Austria stood in the door, arms folded across his chest. He began approaching Prussia and stood at his side. "That I was being watched. What are you doing here, Prussia?"

"West kicked me out of the house again," Prussia cast his gaze to the floor in embarrassment.

Austria sighed. "Well, I suppose you can stay here until Germany's in a better mood. Kommen Sie," he beckoned. Prussia stood up from the stool and followed him. "Sit," Austria commanded as soon as they entered the kitchen; Prussia sat down in a chair at the table in the corner of the room as Austria busied himself with cleaning the countertops.

"How did you know I was here?" Prussia asked a an uncomfortable silence. Austria abruptly stopped and threw the rag he was holding onto the sink, turning to face the dissolved nation.

"I saw your bird flying around outside my bedroom window this morning," Austria said, grabbing a mug from the cabinet above his head, as well as a teabag form a nearby pot.

"Dammit Gilbird," Prussia muttered under his breath as a small yellow bird flew up to him and landed on his shoulder. Gilbird tilted his head and tweeted in confusion.

Austria looked over his shoulder. "Did you want tea? I'm making some now," Prussia nodded his head and whispered a quick 'danke'. Austria poured water into the kettle and set it to boil- he grabbed another mug and tea bag. "Any sugar? Milk?"

"Two sugars, please," Prussia requested. Austria nodded and began pouring boiling hot water into the mugs, along with the tea bags. Austria grabbed a small bowl from the side and placed two sugar cubes into each mug; he then stirred them, the spoon clinking against the sides of the mug as he did. He put the spoon into the sink and grabbed the hot mugs, carefully placing one in front of Prussia. He sat down opposite him and blew over his tea as steam fogged his glasses slightly, turning them white for a moment. He carefully dipped the tea.

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