Everyone froze when the whimpers then full on cries filled the room and all Louis could do was try and calm him down holding onto him tighter while hiding behind Harry. He cupped the back of his tiny head wishing he had put a hat over it then pressed his lips against the top of it holding him against his chest as he flailed his tiny arms at his sides. All Harry could do in that moment was stand in front of his family not letting anyone close to them but couldn't do much when Sanders took a step forward circling them like a predator stalking its prey until his eyes settled on Louis and the tiny blond baby he was holding.

"My my my, what do we have here. Seems like you're not incompetent after all Styles, you actually managed to breed a boy...a girl would have been much better but this one will have to do." Sanders evily smirked never taking his eyes off of Noah until he spoke again.

"Take them, make sure you arrest her too." Sanders said then left the room as if nothing had happened.

"No, please don't do this. Please!" Louis started crying when they approached them then burst into hysterical sobs when two of them grabbed Gemma and dragged her outside screaming and calling them a wide variety of colorful words as she thrashed in their hold.

"Let go you sons of bitches! You'll regret this, fuckers! Let fucking go!"

"Gemma! Don't touch them! We know the fucking way!" Harry growled wrapping his arms around Louis and Noah.

"He needs a blanket, Harry t- tell them I- I have to get his blanket or he'll be c- cold. And he n- needs his stuff." Louis pleaded looking up at Harry with wide innocent eyes flooding with tears as his eyes filled with his own.

"Please...he's just a baby." Harry begged the two broader males who looked back at them with nothing but pity.

"Take as much as you can but make it quick." One of them said and Harry wasted no time quickly walking to their bedroom pulling Louis with him.

"T- thank you." Harry said not even bothered by the fact that they were following him.

As soon as they were there he grabbed one of their bags and filled them with as much of Noah's stuff as he could then grabbed the warmest blankets they had of his and gave them to Louis where he quickly wrapped them around the still whimpering baby. He grabbed a change of clothes for them then their coats putting his jacket over Louis' shoulders then his own making sure to grab the necklace he had gotten for Louis. When he was ready he wrapped a protective arm over Louis' waist and started walking with the men walking behind them only pointing their guns at them when Sander came into view.

They faced an eerie silence as they made their way outside their apartment seeing all the neighbors standing outside watching them and the squirming baby in Louis' arms. Not long after, Noah's cries filled that silence where a few people only stared in shock and others brought their hands over their chest or mouth. It only got worse when they walked outside the building and were immediately swarmed by crowds of people wanting to see the miracle baby making Louis burrow deeper into Harry's side covering his son with the blanket to keep their eyes off of him. Louis whimpered when a few people tried to touch them but were stopped by the two men and as soon as they were in the car Louis burst out crying again in Harry's arms.

"I don't want t- to go back there...they'll kill you, they're gonna t- take him away from us." Louis sobbed as he held Noah tighter lightly bouncing him up and down to get him to stop crying knowing he was hungry but when two men were sitting on each side of them he didn't want to do it right there.

"I'll find a way to get us out, don't cry Lou, I'm not gonna let them hurt you or Noah." Harry whispered on his ear then kissed his temple.

"What is wrong with it?" The driver finally snapped then turned around and glared at the baby.

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