~Chapter 2

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A/N: Chapter 2! Just wanted to thank you guys for the comments and votes on the first chapter, it means a lot to me to read all your feedback and know that you're liking it so far. This is a short story that was supposed to be a one shot but decided to do it chaptered so things will move a little bit fast. 

Enjoy! :)

~Chapter 2

Louis woke up a few hours later sweating and kicking the covers off of him reaching for Harry and his eyes snapped open when all he felt was an empty and cold space next to him, he quickly got  up and dressed up in the clothes he had been wearing and left the room noticing him asleep on the couch. He hadn't gotten a good look at him earlier when he had been nearly begging for him but now that he did he knew they had picked the right person. Not wanting to get caught he moved away from him and walked to the small kitchen wincing when he sat down on a chair and looked around trying to figure out what to eat that consisted of just cooking it in the microwave. He shook his head realizing that they wanted him to have a baby and take care of it when he couldn't even cook to save his own life.

"Are you hungry?" Harry asked startling Louis whose back was to him.

"Y- yeah, kinda." Louis answered looking down at his lap fiddling with his fingers and blushing a bit.

"So....what do you want to eat? I can cook almost anything." Harry said awkwardly standing by the door.

"You don't have to cook for me." Louis blushed a deeper red wishing for the floor to swallow him whole because he was making a fool of himself.

"I want to....I was told you're supposed to eat full meals so, are eggs and toast okay?" Harry asked taking the bread and eggs out along with the kettle to make tea.

"S- sure..." Louis mumbled.

Louis observed Harry as he moved around the kitchen and watched his back muscles flexing every time he moved until he set a plate of warm food in front of him and sat down in front of him with his own plate and two cups of tea in between them. They ate in silence until they were done and Louis helped him clean the kitchen then awkwardly sat down in the living room watching a shit show not really paying attention until Louis had enough of the tension between them and decided to at least try and start a conversation.

"So...where are you from?" Louis asked trying to identify his accent.

"Cheshire. You?" Harry answered looking at Louis smiling a little. Displaying his dimple that only left Louis a little too stunned. 

"Ooh...that's why you sound very posh then. I'm from Doncaster." Louis smiled quickly recovering not wanting to look like a fool.

"I do not sound posh at all...and I think I should properly introduce myself. I'm Harry....Styles." He said extending his arm to shake hands with Louis.

"Louis Tomlinson, nice to meet you." Louis blushed.

"Sorry about earlier, they injected me with something and then I saw you and couldn't control myself." Harry apologized blushing a deep red.

"It's okay, I mean, it had to happen anyways. Did you agree to do this or did they forced you? What did you had to do for them to pick you?" Louis asked nervously waiting for the answer and watched as Harry's tiny smile faded away.

"I...no, they didn't forced me at all. They were just waiting for you to turn twenty and then men younger than twenty five were called in for testing. It's basically a physical and mental test along with 'male reproductive cell' count and checking family history for any diseases. Guess they didn't find any on mine." Harry explained as Louis listened carefully.

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