"I was told to not let it come out again." Louis sighed.

"They don't have to know...c'mon, let's go watch a movie." Harry smiled giving Louis his pants back then grabbed his hand guiding him to the couch where he made him sit down as he put a random movie in the DVD player.

Louis sat down next to Harry and  feeling a strong urge, he cuddled up next to him while the older boy gladly opened his arms and wrapped them around him. They spent the rest of the day sitting on the couch watching movies while eating random foods that Harry had prepared until it was time for bed and Harry deciding that Louis had had enough for the day decided to just go to bed next to the younger boy who he was already very fond of after spending time together.

He got under the covers next to Louis and after thinking about how they had told him to not get attached and to avoid intimate touches other than sex he decided to ignore them and wrapped his arms around Louis bringing him close to his chest with his back pressed against it giving him a small kiss on the back of his neck that had Louis sighing in content. They didn't know why but to them it felt natural, they would be having a baby together after all.

The next morning Louis woke up wrapped inside warm comfortable arms then felt Harry's chest rising and falling against his back and something else. He could feel Harry's erection against his entrance and quietly moaned at the thought of having Harry inside of him again, he slowly pried his arms off of him and moved to reach for the lube that was on the nightstand by the bed then shook Harry to wake him up.

He woke up still feeling a bit groggy until he felt Louis running his hands through his stomach and chest from under his shirt then without asking or complaining let him lower his pajama bottoms so he could do as he wished. He gasped when he felt Louis' small warm hand lathering him with lube then a few seconds later felt his tight heat completely enveloping him making him buck his hips up searching for the much desired friction he knew he would feel if he only moved them.

"J- just keep moving." Harry mumbled holding onto Louis' hips as he moved in figure eight motions setting a rhythm.

Harry opened his eyes to see Louis biting on his bottom lip with his eyes closed moving up and down until his movements started getting sloppy then almost stopped. He switched Louis around onto his back pulling his legs over his shoulders and began pushing in and out of him as Louis held onto the bedsheets trying to keep quiet then reached down stroking himself gasping when Harry pushed his hand away to do it himself as fast as he was moving until he came chanting Harry's name as he thrusted in one more time before cumming deep inside of Louis.

He waited a few seconds then pulled out making sure he wasn't leaking again wanting him to get pregnant fast so he could go home frowning when he realized he didn't wanted to go home anymore because he would miss the tiny boy when the time came and he was allowed to go back home. Plus what kind of person would he be leaving his child and the father of it behind when he was sure they would want to be with him and him with them. He began thinking about and wanting to stay with Louis during his pregnancy because as much as he was only a donor he wanted to be there for them, he wanted to watch Louis' belly grow everyday full of their baby and he wanted to be there for the birth to protect both of them even if he had to fight  and kill to do so.

"What are you thinking about?" Louis mumbled running his fingers through Harry's sweaty hair.

"Would- if you get pregnant soon would you mind me sticking around? I'm supposed to go back home but if you want me to I'll stay here with both of you." Harry asked closing his eyes waiting for an answer.

"You would do that?" Louis asked.

"Yeah...I don't want leave you." Harry confessed.

"Then no, I don't mind at all. Let's just hope they let you stay." Louis sighed knowing it will be hard to convince them.

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