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Jungkook was in his cabin, his eyes were closed but he wasn't sleeping. Being the upcoming head of the clan is gonna be a risk.

He can't show his other side to the pack members, it would ruin everything, his life, his clan's life. Everything would be broken

Just like him.

He sighed as he got up and went inside the bathroom. He looked in the mirror.

"I wish I could control you" he said as he glared at himself in the mirror

"I wish I could control myself" he said, his blue eyes appearing over the black ones.

The people don't know that there are two colours in his eyes; a black and a blue.

Black as calm as the dark and silent night and a blue, as fierce as the thundering storm.

"I hate you" he said as he growled, his fangs appearing

"Go back" he tried to send him back, but it was very difficult to fight with him, with himself, knowing that the bad wolf consists the same power as the good one.

He heard a knock on the door and his blue eyes became normal, the fangs shortening, his wolf going back.

He sighed as he went over the door and opened it to see hoseok

"What are you doing?" he asked as he entered the cabin.

"Was going to have a bath" jungkook said monotonously

Hoseok hummed as he plopped on his bed

"Can you leave the room?" jungkook said, half yelling

"Chill, it's just me" hoseok said as he put his hands behind

"Leave" jungkook said, those blue eyes trying to come back, he resisted, he fought, but they still showed

"Geez, meanie" hoseok said as he got up and got out of the cabin and jungkook sighed

He has two wolves in him, isn't that a bit weird?

Jungkook first realized this when he was ten.

He used to be so sweet, so caring, so gentle, just like a baby.

When in pack school, he saw one of his fellow cub cheating in the game they were playing

It triggered jungkook, as he should have been the one winning instead of him

He saw a raging fire inside him, it never happened, it really didn't. It just came out of nowhere.

After the schooling was over, he took the cub to the woods and looked at him with 'those' eyes

The thunder blue eyes, those dangerous, hatred filled, pure evil, dangerous, "dark" eyes

The cub got really scared, come on, he was just a child to cheat.

"You shouldn't have cheated" jungkook growled, it wasn't his voice, it was as if someone else was speaking inside from him. Someone controlling his sweet voice

It's not a ghost, not a witch, not black magic, no sorcery

It's himself, his other self

He showed his fangs. A cub shouldn't have fangs like these, sharp canines, likely to rip off a throat

"Now jungkook will punish you" He said with such evilness in his voice that the kid understood, this isn't him, this isn't jungkook.

Jungkook is sweet, he loves everyone, everyone was his friend, no one had ever seen such a kind alpha cub

Jungkook dug his canines in the cub's throat while his sharp claws gripped his forelegs, his strength, too much for a cub. 

In an instant, he ripped off the throat of his friend, the cub's body laid lifelessly as jungkook howled in enjoyment.

He licked the blood off of the slit and looked at his friend

The blue eyes faded and the black ones appeared, crying over the fact that he killed his own friend

No one can hate oneself as jungkook does

The story doesn't stop here

Someone saw him

Wolves| TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now