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Taehyung was introduced to the sounds of a Jackie Chan movie when he came downstairs, a microfibre towel over his head and wearing his "usual clothes" that consisted of recently bought, too-big-for-him pajamas. The footsteps over the polished Cedarwood stairs made Jungkook's head turn towards the sound and his impassive expressions had turned to an expression of irritation yet he remained actionless as he turned his face back towards the television. Taehyung would have reacted to Jungkook's indecency if he hadn't been the person who had been living with this person for a month. 

He just staggered towards the kitchen and took out a bottle of water. He sighed after drinking, aloofly staring at the bottle.

"Only if I could eat delivery food rather than readymade food" He mumbled out and turned to exit the kitchen but bumped into something hard. He gasped as he looked at who it was. Jungkook was staring at him, an expression hard to define over his face. A red crept over Taehyung's face as he recalled the words he had just spoken, wondering if Jungkook would have heard them or not.

"Y-you scared me again, Jungkook!" He exclaimed, trying to divert the upcoming conversation. Only if he knew, the persistency of Jungkook was persistent.

"I know that I was the one who hurt you, but I tried to help you even though I would have never done something like that, I try to make you feel comfortable out of guilt and try to help you take bath but you push me out and then I give you food and here you are, being the most ungenerous person and wishing for unhealthy, junk food" Jungkook rebuked and for the first time, Taehyung was feeling guilty. He knows that it was Jungkook's fault that this happened in the first place, but he is too kind-hearted to not feel guilty, thinking he's leeching off of Jungkook. 

He looked down, feeling half-guilty, half-upset, and was about to apologize for his rudeness when Jungkook spoke up.

"What do you wanna eat then? Pizza or Dumplings?" Taehyung whipped his head up to see Jungkook looking at his phone, swiping his fingers through restaurants. Taehyung couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"What? What is it? Don't tell me you don't want to eat it now" It was as if Taehyung had turned into a deaf man. His deep-voiced laugh was echoing across the kitchen as Jungkook stared at him with confusion yet didn't stop him.

Taehyung didn't stop laughing until his stitches started aching and tears weren't escaping from his eyes. "Dumplings it is, I guess" His voice trembled out in between his breaking laughs and Jungkook just stared at him for a second before nodding and ordering the dumplings.

Taehyung smiled to himself as he put the bottle back in the fridge. How can he forget what kind of person Jungkook is? 

You know the feeling when you're standing on the shore and you look at the big tsunami-like wave coming towards you, your hands are trembling, the perspiration isn't stopping, all the people on the beach are running away, scared of the tsunami and yet you're standing there like a fool, staring at it, waiting for it to hit you, to drag you inside the ocean with it, but then when it finally comes towards you, it only touches your feet and goes right back into the ocean, leaving you feeling all stupid and laughing. That's it, that big tsunami-like wave is Jungkook for you. 

The two sat on the couch, far away from each other although Taehyung didn't mind that since he was still busy smiling at the comparison he had just made of Jungkook and the wave while the other was busy watching the movie. There was complete silence excluding the sounds of punches of kicks coming from the television, but the two felt as if the silence was rather calming than uncomfortable for the first time.

Although, the silence was interrupted by the doorbell and Jungkook got up to open the door. Taehyung's eyes immediately started shining, seeing the box of dumplings in Jungkook's hand, and the excitement he was emitting was so loud that even Jungkook could feel it. He placed the box down on the table and went inside the kitchen to bring the crockery. Although, when he got back to the living room, he saw that Taehyung had already started eating the dumplings with his hands. 

"Taehyung?" Jungkook called out and felt Taehyung freeze up. At that point, he was having a massive deja vu, although the roles had reversed.

"I-i didn't eat anything!" Taehyung exclaimed through his mouth full of dumplings, trying to wash them down as quickly as possible. Jungkook almost broke into a laugh but he fixed his composure, pulling up his usual stoic expressions, and cleared his throat before sitting down.

He handed Taehyung his share of dumplings who was still feeling embarrassed for eating the dumplings without Jungkook. 

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, next time I'll wait for you before eating" Taehyung said, putting one dumpling in his mouth and moaning at the amazing taste. Jungkook said nothing as he quietly ate his dumplings.

"Oh my god! They are so good!" Taehyung squealed whenever he ate one dumpling and Jungkook would frown at it but never said anything to stop Taehyung.

"Finally some good food" Taehyung fake sniffled but bit his tongue as he looked at Jungkook who was glaring at him.

"Haha! Just kidding!" He awkwardly chuckled before shoving the rest of the dumplings down his throat. 

"Haah! This felt amazing!" Taehyung sighed contently as he rubbed his belly. He looked at Jungkook who was still eating his dumplings.

"I bet these taste more amazing with a friend or a lover. You might have had them with someone before right? I've never had friends or a lover, so I've never experienced it" Taehyung spoke to Jungkook, who had decided not to answer his question yet he still stopped eating to respond.

"I've never had a friend or a lover" He spoke, ever so casually which made Taehyung's eyes go wide.

"What?! Seriously?!" He jerked up, forgetting the agonizing pain of his stomach. "You've done it with so many people and yet you've never had a lover?!" Taehyung asked out of curiosity which made Jungkook go speechless as he stared at his now empty plate.

"Is there any problem with that?" He spoke causing Taehyung to shake his head quickly. "Not at all! I just asked out of curiosity" Taehyung reasoned out as he stared at Jungkook's still expressions.

"Don't you" Taehyung stopped to notice a change in Jungkook's expression but when found none, he continued speaking, "Don't you ever feel like wanting to love someone?" He asked and waited for Jungkook to answer but was only met with silence. He figured out that Jungkook won't answer the question and was about to get up when Jungkook's voice stopped him.

"I..." Jungkook stared at Taehyung and waited for a few seconds again before speaking, turning his head away to look at his empty plate "I never feel like that. I never want to love someone or be loved by anyone" Jungkook spoke and quickly stood up, taking the plates and walking towards the kitchen.

When Taehyung was out of his sight, he quickly dumped the plates in the washbasin and let his weight fall on the wall beside him. He stared into space, a concerning and bothered expression over his face for the first time.

He was internally scolding himself for what was he about to say in front of Taehyung out there because he was clearly about to express his hidden, sincere feelings in front of Taehyung and it was bothering him.

He was wondering, what is it in Taehyung that makes him want to shout his heart out to him.

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