Chapter XX

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Kai's grey eyes stared into Thea's brown ones. 

Both of them were holding their breath and just staring at each other.

-What are you doing?-Thea asked.

-I, stammered. –I was just, um, laying you on the bed, and you sort of, uh, grabbed my neck and I fell on you.-He said.

Thea became pink from the roots of her hair, to her neck.

-Oh, um. I'm sorry. –She said, looking away in embarrassment.

-It's okay. –Kai said awkwardly and straightened up his back.

 –I'm gonna, um, go. –He said, turning around.


-Um, good night.-Kai said over his shoulder.

-'Night.-Thea whispered and Kai went out the door.

Kai closed the door and leaned against it.

What is happening? 

Why does this girl, whom he barely knows, make his heart race and his glands sweat?

He went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. Feeling too thirsty, he drank three glasses of cold water.

Kai wiped his mouth, went to his room, and fell on the bed.

After turning for almost two hours, he fell asleep, his face in the pillow.


-Thea!-Someone called. –Thea!

Thea slowly opened her eyes and saw her face with blue eyes on another body.

-Hey, Liv.-She whispered.

-Get up, breakfast is ready.-Olivia said. She brushed her hair, that was half brown and half blonde and it was past the shoulders now. Olivia's hair was different because it grew too fast, which wasn't as normal.

-What time is it?-Thea asked.

-Almost eleven. –He twin replied.

Thea slowly got up and went to the bathroom. Ten minutes later, she came out with wide awake eyes, a minty and floral scent to her, and her hair was now tamed in a bun on top of her head.

She changed into a pair of black leggings and a black-mustard yellow-white over-sized grandpa flannel, and put some white socks on.

Olivia went to the bathroom after her and came out in a light pink skater dress.

Thea looked at her and gasped.

-You cut your hair!!!-She yelled.

Olivia gave a cheeky smile.

-Yup.-She said. –What do you think?-She asked.

Thea looked at her sister in shock. Olivia always wanted to grow out her hair and she always hated it when it was brown.

Now, her brown waves were straightened and her hair fell right above the shoulders.

-You look beautiful.-Thea said, smiling in awe.

-Thanks.-Olivia said, smiling happily.

-Let's go eat?-Thea asked. Olivia nodded.

-Good morning!-Olivia greeted everyone cheerfully.

-Morning.-The guys grumbled.

-Cute hair.-Alex said, pointing at her head.

-Thanks.-Olivia giggled.

Everybody sat down and they started eating, not before Thea prayed.

Kai was nowhere to be seen, and Thea looked a little glum.

-Where's Kai?-Olivia asked, reading Thea's name.

-Out.-Alex shrugged. –He didn't tell us where he was going.

-Not that that's surprising...-Thane huffed.

After they finished eating, Thea offered to wash the dishes, and everybody went back to their rooms.

Humming a random melody, Thea finished washing the cups and started washing the dishes.

As she was washing her third plate, somebody put a brown grocery bag right by her.

Thea yelped at the sound and dropped the plate. The sound of the plate shattering in little pieces woke her mind and she turned around.

A/N: Hey, guys! Sorry for not updating for so long! Finally got my life somewhat in check lol, so I should be posting more often now. Hope you like this chapter! <3

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