Chapter Seventeen: They are Going at it in There

Start from the beginning

"Asking for it? Her outfit choice doesn't mean she's asking for anything," Kate squeals. "Plus she's wearing a jump suit!"

"That thing is skin tight and her whole chest is exposed," he argues. "I don't want people to think we turned Christopher's daughter into a slut like her aunt."

"How dare you call me that!" Kate yells angrily.

"You were going to wear a provocative outfit to work the other day before I got you to change. That isn't the first time either. God knows what you do when I'm away on business," John spits out stepping towards Kate.

I just stand by the door in complete shock of how quickly the conversation escalated. When I hear the beep of Olivia's car, I don't even have time to have my doubts about going to the party. I'm just relieved to be able to escape the conversation. They are so busy yelling at each other I manage to slip outside without them noticing.

"What's wrong with you?" Olivia asks when she notices my stunned expression.

"They are going at it in there."

"Kate and John are having sex with you home? That's nasty," she gags.

"Ew no!" I try to shake the horrifying mental image out of my brain. "They are screaming at each other. John was saying I couldn't go out wearing this outfit because it looked like, and I quote, 'asking for it'. Kate started to get mad at him and then he called her a slut."

"Holy shit! Are you serious?" When I nod her jaw drops completely. "That is so messed up."

"I know, I just ran out of there as fast as I could. If it wasn't for Kate intervening he probably would of made me change into a parka."

"We are here!" She exclaims. The street is lined with cars abandoned by teenagers to go join the party. My heart is pounding in my chest as we walk up to the front door.

"Kayla," Olivia grabs my shoulders before she rings the doorbell. "Take a breath and just relax. You're going to have fun."

"You're right. I'm sorry," I take a second to calm myself before giving her the go ahead. She rings the doorbell several times so it will be heard over the loud music. Eventually, Tanya opens up the door to welcome us in. She leans against the doorframe to hold herself up in her very drunken state.

"Come join the party!" She slurs throwing her hands in the air. Olivia and I throw each other a look before pushing past her into the crowded house.

It's safe to assume that Tanya's parents are going to be very angry when they get home. Her house is half wrecked already because Tanya is too drunk to keep things in order. There is bottles scattered across the tables, the curtain rod in the living room that has broke off the wall at one end, and what once was a beautiful lamp is knocked off of a coffee table and shattered in pieces on the floor. This is the immediate damage I notice when I walk in. Who knows what else has been destroy in the rest of the house.

"You guys made it!" I turn around to see Daniel standing in the kitchen. He yells at us while raising his beer bottle up in the air to get our attention. He manages to spill some on himself in the process. Of course, he doesn't seem to notice. We start to push through the maze of people. I freeze when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey gorgeous," I sink into his chest when I realize it's Leo. He turns me around to face him keeping his hands on my hips. "You look amazing."

"Thank you," I blush resisting the urge to hide my face. "I'm glad you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss an opportunity to see you," Leo puts his hand on the small of my back leading me into the he kitchen where the rest of our friends are.

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