Chapter 48-The researcher

Comenzar desde el principio

"What?" (Zach)

"Can you please accompany me?" (Laura)

"Sure" (Zach)

I accompanied Laura towards her village, in her village was a lot of fairies holding staffs.

"Dad!" (Laura)

"Laura!" (Laura's Dad)

Laura's dad hugged her tightly, crying out of happiness.

"I thought you were gone..." (Laura's dad)

"Ahem, so what now?" (Zach)

"O-oh, thank you" (Laura's dad)

"For starters, why are you hiding using an illusion barrier?" (Zach)

"You noticed?!" (Laura's dad)

"Yeah, it's so obvious with this much amount of mana" (Zach)

"Are you safe?" (Laura's dad)

"Yes" (Laura)

"Do you have knowledge about magic?" (Zach)

"The fairies are well known for their illusion magic, we could teach you how" (Laura)

"Start first with the basics, I don't want to skip anything" (Zach)

"Okay" (Laura)

Laura taught me the basics and I carefully studied the magic circle structures to easily learn illusion magic.

"Did you understand anything?" (Laura

"Yep, I'll just make something" (Zach)

I used the basics and implemented it to my bracelet gun, after implementing the newly made spell, I reprogrammed the bracelet so that it would supply mana into the magic circle in which has the illusion magic.

"Aand, I'm done" (Zach)

I turned on the bracelet and the bracelet became invisible.

"What is this?!, the accessory just disappeared?!" (Laura)

"Yeah, I just used something from my knowledge to do this" (Zach)

By using light magic and illusion magic, I was able to make an invisibility spell, something like a compound spell, moreover its mana is well hidden so they thought it was gone, out of existence.

"And where is that thing..." (Zach)

"?, what are you doing?" (Laura)

I turned the bracelet into a pistol and carefully aimed using an Integrated Aiming System to help me become more accurate, BTW the IAS uses light magic to show a scope and a little bit of programming to make the circle inside the scope lock onto the target.

"Wow, still accurate as ever" (Zach)

The bullet was directly headed towards the phantom bird, and along with some previous adjustments to the gun, I was able to make the bullet fly faster and be more destructive.

After the bullet landed, the bird was obliterated, blood and little of pieces of flesh was scattered.

"What did you do?!" (Laura)

"Oh, just killed it, see?" (Zach)

I turned off the invisibility and allowed them to see the gun.

"Space magic user?, that's rare" (???)

"Who?" (Zach)

"Pardon for the interruption, but I just wanted to see the human who saved one of my citizens" (???)

"E-Elder Lara" (Laura)

"You trying to hurt her?" (Zach)

I was prepared to defend, though its stats are lower than mine, but with it being able to use magic, I did not let my guard down as Laura might get hurt.

"Sorry, sorry, I just came to see you, no need for any fights, you're welcome in here anytime" (Lara)

"Okay" (Zach)

It left and I traced where the caster was.

"You can't escape, I've got you locked down" (Zach)

I shot a stun bullet towards the caster, the caster was stunned, I used God's Eye to see behind the trees.

"What is it that you did?" (Laura's dad)

"Here is your culprit, the one pretending to be Lara, or maybe Lara herself" (Zach)

The imitation or probably the illusion and semi physical form of the fairy-like being was a spell.

"I've got to say, I'm interested in the spell you've used" (Zach)

"Ahh-ahhh-hhhh-aaa!!" (???)

"Seriously, stop convulsing and speak" (Zach)

I held her head and prepared to use a blinding spell, she cannot live for Laura's village sake, she will cause trouble.

"Stop!" (Laura)

"Sure" (Zach)

I cancelled the spell, the mana dissipated into the air.

"G-Gah, haah, haah" (???)

I left her on the ground, not minding her actions.

"Tell me, why are you doing this?" (Laura)

"...." (???)

"Not going to talk?, well, that's okay, you just keep everything to yourself, but make sure that if you harm Laura or anyone in this area, then be prepared for what's going to come upon you" (Zach)

The woman nodded, she seems silent, but keeps something hidden, she has the aura of a person who researches something seriously, just like Paron.

"Do you like researching?" (Zach)

"...yes..." (Woman)

"I see, do you have no ill intentions towards this village?" (Zach)

"Yes" (Woman)

"Can you tell me something about the thing that you are currently researching?" (Zach)

"Hmm, I'll just say it in a shorter explanation, my research is about summoning magic, how they work, where do these beings come from, if there is, then what world?, if it is created by a God, then who?" (Researcher)

"Wow, what a weird kind of philosophy but okay" (Zach)

"Now, if you may excuse me, I need to go and research more" (Researcher)

"Okay" (Zach)

I left to let her research some more.
So....kinda late to update but here it is, sorry for not being able to update frequently, as you know, I'm suffering from a long term writer's block(self diagnosed), my imagination is going wild but can't seem to put the pieces together, I know what I'm saying is bulls**t but hey, atleast I was able to update.

Also, you could go and read "God of Death" on my books, old and was specifically made for my homework, but it's still fine after reading it again after many months(but not longer than a year).

Reincarnation of a human to be turned to a godDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora