Chapter 21

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The car is too small. My mouth goes dry. The light will not turn green. Seriously, how long is it going to take for the damn light to turn green already? I can’t form a coherent sentence. Mutters are coming out of my mouth. Sterling looks at me, awaiting my answer. There is no way he is serious. How could he be serious? We’re eighteen/ nineteen years old.

                Instead of answering, I burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Sterling looks at me like I have just lost my mind. His eyes blare with something I don’t recognize. Hurt? Anger? Embarrassment?

                “You can’t be serious.” I look over to see him clenching the steering wheel. The red light finally turns green.

                A second too late of course…

                “Why the hell would I suggest it if I was just kidding?” Sterling’s jaw ticks. He is clearly not happy with how I responded. Maybe I was a little unsympathetic.

                “Sterling, we aren’t even finished with our first year of college. How would we even support ourselves? We have no jobs.”

                “Do you remember the show Boy Meets World?”

                A smile plasters to my face, “are you kidding me? That show was my favorite. Oh, Corey and Topanga were such the perfect couple and oh-“ I cut myself off. The two main characters married in college on the show. I see what Sterling is trying to get at. Well played.

                “See? They made it work. They never gave up because they loved each other. Unless you don’t love me anymore?” Sterling accelerates on the gas, surging us forward more on the high way. A truck cuts us off and Sterling lets out a long line of swear words.

                “No that’s not it. We’re too young. I need you to understand that we can’t jump onto marriage so quickly. My parents would never let me get married now.”

                “It can be a long engagement. Heck maybe we could hold off until we graduate. And if we don’t love each other by that time, then we can call it off. Piper, I can’t see spending my life with someone who isn’t you. This winter break with my dad passing away and everything, you stuck by my side. You let me have my space and grieve.”

                My eyes start to water, “you needed the time. I think a long engagement would be good.”

                “Yeah?” Sterling pulls up to the gates of Yale.

                When I get out of the car, Sterling is on my side of the car. He kneels down and takes my hand. In his other hand is a small box that is most likely the ring box. I am surprised that this is what he was thinking about after his dad’s death. I stand there, motionless.

                “Piper Hale, will you be my wife?” Sterling looks at me with a huge smile. His blue eyes swim with emotions. Happy emotions.

                “Yes.” Tears are streaming down my face as he slips the huge diamond ring on my hand. I flick my hand back and forth, letting the ring catch the streaks of light fighting its way through the cloudy January day.

                Sterling wipes off my tears. He grabs me in his arms, giving me chaste kiss. He swings me around as I laugh and laugh.

                Life is too good. In a couple of years, I will be married to my true love. It may be challenging at times, but I know Sterling and I can handle anything as long as we are together. We have gone through so much already. Even though we have been dating for a half year, I know what true love is. It means standing with the person you love no matter how many obstacles you may face. That is what loving someone is.

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