They walked to the road after they were done exchanging goodbyes. Jules-Albert was waiting there with a BMW SUV. Drew whistled from behind him. They loaded their bags in the back . Nico rode shotgun (no one was ready to sit beside a zombie), Drew and Hazel in the middle and Will and Reyna at the back.

Nico nodded at Jules-Albert who started the car . Drew and Hazel poked their heads to the skylight while Nico, Will and Reyna through the windows waving at their friends. The car took a turn and Camp Half Blood was lost from sight.

Drew sighed and sat down,"Until April."

"Until April." Nico agreed.

"Do we have flight tick...." Reyna began but was cut off by the sound of someone's stomach loudly complain. Will looked down at his stomach blushing while everyone else laughing.

"What? I'm haven't eaten since dinner last night." Will said still looking red in the face.

"Here." Nico said passing him a wrapped up bacon while he himself bit into another one.

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Manhattan traffic~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" I can't believe you have a private jet managed by a zombie crew and staff." Reyna grumbled as she took a cola from a undead airhostess.

Nico laughed and himself took a milkshake. "It's actually belongs jointly to me and Hazel."

"I have been on it only once though that I went to France with Frank." Hazel said sipping hot tea from a cup.

"This plane is awesome! I mean have you seen the bedrooms." Drew said munching on an apple.

They were currently seated in the sofas of the drawing room of Ghost 198 ,the luxury aircraft that Hades had arranged for them. Perks of having a God of riches as your father.

"Nico, tell us what we need to know." Reyna said.

"Yup. And the explanation you are due for." Will said putting his chin on his hand. Nico sighed and leaned against him.

"Well, my mother was a wizard. The di-Angelo was a long line of dark wizards until it's last two heirs died or so they thought. My family excelled in necromancy and Dark-Arts but we never misused that power. Probably explains why Mama caught Papa's eye. Anyway she used to homeschool me and Bianca in magic; she knew we will never be able to attend a magic school. After Titan War when my memories sorta returned, I remembered but never had time to do anything with it. But after me and Will rented that flat in Manhattan, I started to visit the American wizarding community and got updated on what was happening. I ...."

"So that's where you went on all those Friday afternoon's!" Drew yelled.

Nico nodded." Now listen carefully, last year there was a war in Hogwarts. There was this dark wizard named Voldemort who used Horcruxes to cheat Thanatos multiple times. Horcruxes are basically objects in which he placed parts of his soul. A boy named Harry Potter and his friends managed to get rid of the horcruxes and kill Voldemort. He is in our year, due to the war they are having a repeat of their seventh year. "

"They have wars too?" Will asked.

"Apparently. But we cannot reveal our true identities to them. They must not know about the Gods or the fact that we are demigods ."

"So, what do we do on reaching London?" Reyna asked.

"We drop our bags at a hotel Papa has booked and after a quick meal go to Diagon Alley for our shopping. Then we have to pack up by night. You guys have to move your lazy asses fast. We got loads to do."

"Relax, Neeks" Will said putting his arms behind his head. "Its will be fine."

Nico sighed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by zombie pilots~~~~~~~~~~~

"I love so much Nico that you did not make us stay in this place." Drew shuddered as they stood in front of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Its Leaky all right." Will said laughing.

"You have your father's weird sense of humour." Reyna said shooting him a glare.

"I know right. And I have to put up him all the time." Nico said.

"You act like you don't get any benefits from putting up with me." Will smirked.

Blood rushed to his ears."Shut up." he said half-heartedly.

Drew and Reyna giggled while Hazel looked confused. "I don't get it?" she said.

"You don't want to know, trust me hun." Drew said putting an arm around her.

Nico sighed. "Just, come on." he said walking in.

The inside was dark and shabby. All sorts of weird people were sitting all over the pub. As soon as they walked in, all conversation stopped. Nico gripped Will's hand on feeling the gaze of those people. All of them were wearing regular casual clothes while the people in the bar wore wizarding clothes. Nico felt very uncomfortable.

"Come on, this way" he muttered and lead them to the courtyard. He felt everyone's eyes on them as they walked out.

"Umm, Nico, there's nothing here." Hazel said staring at the wall.

He smirked. "Wait and watch , sis." he said and tapped a brick three times with his wand. He then stood back and and watched the other's faces as Diagon Alley opened up.

"Come, on. We need to get money for our stuff now." he said walking towards the marble building that was Gringotts.

The walk was silent, the others were trying to absorb all that they were seeing, eyes wide.

"This place" Reyna said finally. The other's nodded.

"Have you been here before?" Will asked.

"Only once. That was before Giant war."

"Did you shadow travel?" Will asked shooting him an accusing look.

"Hey! Back then I used to shadow travel all over the place until you butted in and said 'Doctor's Orders, Di Angelo.' " he said with a horrible imitation of Will's voice.

Will punched his arm and the others laughed.

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