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Will was surprised to see Hecate at camp. The Goddess of Magic usually kept away from them and she had very few children. Her cabin was always empty during the winters. Will was hoping for a peaceful afternoon with Nico. But no, something had to happen.

"Lady Hecate" Malcolm said and they all knelt to avoid being deep fried, or being turned into something like insects or weasels.

Beside Will ,Nico looked very pale his eyes watching Hecate carefully. "Nico is something wrong?" he whispered.

"I'm fine, Will." He said stiffly.

"Rise, demigods. I have a task for you ." She said as if she expected them to be grateful.

"Task?" Clarisse's said her right eye twitching.

Hecate nodded," But before that I have to tell you about my wizarding world. So she told us about how she had blessed two mortals with small amounts of magic and how they had grown to have their own world." Chiron sat in his wheelchair looking very grim and serious. But from the others faces , (open mouths and bulging eyes) Will understood they were as baffled as he was. Even Lou Ellen looked at her as if she was speaking Hebrew.

"After the Giant war," Hecate continued " the magic school of Hogwarts.." Giggles and snorts that rang out making her glare. " ...has became a hub for monster activity. There are a very few trained demigods in the wizarding ranks and they are unable to hold them without help. My daughter who is the current headmistress of the school has asked for help to train the numerous unclaimed and untrained demigods at Hogwarts. I want five of you to go to Hogwarts undercover as students and help train and fight the monsters. All demigods have the ability to perform magic so it wouldn't be a problem. The school term starts three days later on September 1st. " She finished.


"Mom" Lou started as she was had the least chance of getting fried. " This is kind of hard to take in..."

"You doubt me, and not without a good reason." Hecate said staring at her skeptically." Maybe demonstration will help. Nico, do you mind...."

'Wha...?" Will said as they all turned to Nico . "Nico?" Will asked looking at him.

Nico gestured him to wait as he wordlessly stood up, still looking very pale. He dipped his hand into a nearby shadow and pulled out a thin black stick. A wand. Will thought shivers racing down his back.

Nico looked up at Hecate," I have not used it for literally seventy years."

"Magic does not abandon until death. Show them." Hecate said.

Nico took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He suddenly pointed the wand at Clarisse and said "Accio dagger." Clarisse dagger shot from her hands and into Nico palm.

"And that is magic." Hecate said.

Clarisse blinked once , twice. Here it comes Will thought. "Di Angelo" she growled " How dare you ... I'm going to kill you." She jumped towards Nico who immediately dropped the dagger and wisely ducked behind Will.

"Whoa Clarisse, calm down." Will said putting his hands up to stop her. " Don't kill him. For me, okay. I don't want to be a widower so soon."

Nico grumbled from behind him something about if it was the only reason. Clarisse huffed. "He gets out of this only because I owe you one." She stomped back to her seat.

"Thanks." Nico muttered. "Don't do that again or next time the best I'll be able to do is patch up your broken ribs." Will said .

Hecate cleared her throat making their attention turn back on her. " Nico I want you to lead this. No one other than you knows about the wizarding world. Choose five others to be your teammates." Will stomach dropped to the floor. There goes away our winter plans.

"I'll go." Will said immediately. "If there is to be fighting you will need a medic." Nico smiled at him and squeezed his fingers. They both knew the real reason, Will needed Nico beside him each day , needed to hold his hands , to kiss him , to listen to his flute like breaths while he slept..... , as Nico needed him.

"Okay." Nico turned to Drew. " Drew, how do you feel about spending a whole school year in Scotland?"

Drew looked surprised for a moment and then she smiled with excitement. " Yes! Oh my gods Yes! I want see this new place . And I definitely want to learn magic."

"Can Hazel and Reyna come?" Nico asked Hecate who nodded. "Anyone got a prism?" he asked .

"Here." Julia dug one out of her pocket and handed it to her. Nico threw a drachma into the rainbow formed by the prism and said," O Iris , Rainbow Goddess, show me Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano at Camp Jupiter."

The rainbow shimmered to show Hazel, Frank and Reyna bending over a map of the Field of Mars probably for another war game.

"Hazel, Reyna." Nico called out making them spin around.

"Nico! Everything okay brother? Will , everything o...." Her steady stream of questions came to a stop as she noticed Hecate standing in the background. "Lady Hecate ."

"Hello Hazel." Hecate said nodding.

"Listen I got a request," Nico said and quickly briefed the three of them. He took a breadth." So, Hazel,Reyna will you come with us?"

Reyna smiled and nodded," Of course, Nico. Also year in Scotland does not sound bad and trainig is something I'm good at"


Hazel looked at Frank ." Frank can I go please? I'll IM you everyday,okay? Please ?"

"Of course Hazel, you don't need to ask me.But I'll miss you ." Frank said smiling.

Hazel smiled and standing on her toes placed a kiss on Frank's cheek." Thanks so much. I'll miss you too though."

Will along with several people around the table awwed. "They are so cute!" Drew squealed. Frank and Hazel blushed.

Hecate coughed for a second time making their attention go back to her. It was hard for them to be focussed at one thing all the time. They were all ADHD after all .

Hecate clicked her fingers and five parchment envelopes with their names written in the front in emerald green ink appeared.She handed them to Nico.

"What are these?" Drew asked.

"They are our letters for admission and they have information about the books and other stuff needed, right?" Nico asked Hecate who nodded.

"Meet me tomorrow at Thalia's tree and I'll give the four of you the knowledge you need for studying in seventh year ." She said and disappeared.

"Well," Hazel said and clapped her hands. " What do we pack Nico?"

Nico ran a hand through his messy hair." Pack winter clothes , it will be very cold there. Also weapons, nectar and ambrosia. Take only one set of regular clothes, we will need to buy school robes. Take big suitcases ,there will be loads of books. I will see Papa about the transport. I will tell you rest later."Hazel and Reyna nodded.

"Nico" Frank said ." Please bring Hazel back safely." he said putting an arm around Hazel.

"Frank she is my sister too. I will kill anyone who touches a hair on her head. " Nico replied raising an eyebrow.

"I can take care of myself you two." Hazel said giggling.

"Well, we better start making preparations then. See you tomorrow at 8 Nico." Reyna smiled at him and swiped her hand cutting the connections.

"Well I got to go see father, will you do the packing?" Nico asked Will.

"Sure love." Will said and kissed his hubby's forehead. Nico blushed a little and walked into the nearest shadow.

"Drew, Will you need to rest well before tomorrow." Chiron said.

Will nodded as everybody got up to leave. "Well, see you at dinner Will" Drew said when they reached the Hades cabin.

"Yeah."Will said and went inside to pack for their journey.

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