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“Ouch.”Nico muttered as he poked the red skin of his cheek. His former inspection at a mirror has revealed a handprint diagonally spread across his cheeks, the fingers clear and legible. Nico had been stabbbed, slashed, dropped from an immeasurable height (The Hellhole), and nearly faded into oblivion but he still agreed, a sleep deprived woman’s slap is one of the things that hurt the most. (Its the shock and the suddenness that gets you.)

Will looked at him from beside him and sighed. He cupped his warm palm on Nico cheek (it felt pretty nice) and muttered a short incantation. The golden glow of his hands was much more muted than other times so as to not draw the attention of other people.

“Thanks.” Nico muttered.

Will sighed again. 

“I told you not to go overboard.” 

“Get some advice from him ,you shazi.” Drew said from across the table, swearing in her mother tongue something she did only when she was very very pissed. She had a glass of fruit juice in her hand which is gulped in one go.

Nico opted to call her names in the language of mutters.

“I am not exactly annoyed.” Hazel said, chewing her toast thoughtfully. “I mean it woke me up. And a thestral is much better than the legion gong believe me.” 

“What are you even eating? Why the hell is your entire plate filled with food this greasy, this early in the morning?” Will queried him in an exasperated tone .

“I can eat whatever the fuck I want, Will.”

“Oh, now you show me your attitude.” Will crossed his arms. “Where was it a few seconds ago when I healed you?”

Nico decided to mutter to his plate. He's been muttering a whole lot the entire morning he noticed  grumpily.

“Here, eat this.” Will said, pushing a bowl of fruit salad towards him.

“Ugh.”Nico said but nevertheless  he shoved a spoon in his mouth. It was pretty good. The cream was soft and its taste was just right, not too salty, not too sweet. Fruits were still crunchy and fresh, bursting with juice. It was not good, it was heavenly.

“Are we done? Can we go to talking business?” Reyna said as she violently stabbed her bacon with her knife. Nico knew from personal experience that Reyna was not a morning person. Even the legion stayed well clear of her during mornings.

“Just…...a…...second….” Nico managed as he gulped down the salad as fast as he could. 

Reyna sighed.

After he was done scraping the last of the cream from the bottom of the bowl Will handed him a tissue with a knowing smirk."I told you it was good."

"Hmph. It's not that good." Like hell he would admit it to Will. It would just make him try to force more 'healthy food' down his throat. Reyna clears her throat, and shoots a 'get on with it look, my patience is limited' in his direction.

"Right. Business." Nico hurriedly said and after casting a quick bulb of silence around them he recounted what he and Professor Mcgonagall had discussed last night.

"No. Absolutely not."Will said before he even finished explaining.

"Will! You don't need to baby me, I can do this. There is no other option!"

"Expending that much power will leave you cripple you for weeks. I did not spend years restoring your health so that you could misuse your powers all over again." Will thundered looking absolutely livid. 

Nico took a deep breath. He knew that Will would reject the idea so he had time to come up with a good argument.

"I won't be doing this alone, I have Hazel and Reyna. With their help,I will be out for only a couple of days at most."

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