Blast into Space

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Sorry for lack of updates. School you know? I have a lot of work that I needed to catch up and I want to have free time for myself as well...soo here you go.

Again, sorry, but this chapter is very short but I figured you wanted something so here!



Everything in my house was completely as fine as was good,I guess. Holes scattered around the walls and on the floor and because of Dr. Eggman(heh,thanks Egghead) I had to throw away a couch. What felt out of place though, was the black hedgehog lying on my other couch completely passed out. I had two couches(keyword: had)and the other,as explained, was destroyed. Dr. Eggman seemed to have a blast with just destroying everything I had, and I was ticked off beyond belief. What was I really going to say to my parents when they get home? Well, if they get home...Nope, they were going to come back alive and well and they were going to yell at me for everything and I may be getting grounded and Shadow was going to laugh at me for being weak and stupid. And...

"Uh, I swear Rouge, I'm not going anymore to your stupid parties," Shadow slowly sat up and looked around before his gaze landed on me,"Never mind."

"Shadow you're up!" I jumped up to him and plopped down right next to him.

"Yes,"Shadow scooted away a little, which made me pout a little.

"Do you know?" I asked, referring to what had happened earlier.

"Know what?" Shadow rubbed his eyes as he looked around again and at the holes that decorated everywhere in the house. Recognition flooded his face as he slowly remembered what had happened.

"So...."I felt bad for pushing him, but I really wanted to know where my parents were and Dr. Egghead had said I could find out from him. The very guy that sat beside me, and I just wanted my family to come back safe.

"Maybe,but..." Shadow finally rested his ruby eyes on me, I was shocked to see such hurt on his face," If it's where I think it is ,you have to go alone...I-I-I..."

I was definitely shocked when he had stared shacking. When I moved next to him, I was pleased that he leaned back on me. His gaze stayed on the floor never leaving the brownish carpet as if it would spring to life and try to kill him. Or us...or-you get it.

"I can't bear to go back," Shadow whispered out.

"Why?" I barely knew much of Shadow, did I? I mean, I know he can be a jerk and a complete idiot and somehow really nice and caring and lovable(pfffft, sometimes) and that already seemed out of place for the guy. But, I didn't know anything about the guy himself, about his past and I was completely curious when Tails came over and told me about him having a file on G.U.N.'s 'Top Secret' files, which I called bull, since a freaking 9 year old kid had hacked through all their defenses and read probably all their files. And they probably didn't even care! I bet every hacker on planet Mobius has read every single file! And poor Shadow, everyone would think they know him and do whatever it takes to befriend him or destroy him...Wasn't he some kind of 'weapon' to G.U.N. and nothing more? Wasn't he the ultimate lifeform of sorts? He was supposed to be strong and not be broken down like this.

"Why not?" I asked, slowly petting his head.

"Because," Shadow mumbled out, before sliding out of my grip and standing in front of me,"Many reasons,Faker."

I frowned when he called me Faker, but shock it off. Something just didn't seem right with him, and i wanted to know right now.

"What," I practically whined,

Shadow stared blankly at me as if he was silently saying,'What in the world are you doing?'

I know I don't whine(uh-huh) and it did seemed rather weird of me because of that, but I wanted answers right now. It didn't even help that i had even more answers to ask that before and I felt this wasn't fair for me.

"Shadow," This time I growled, showing that I wasn't kidding around anymore.

He walked around looking completely anxious, seeming as he wanted to avoid answering the question.

"He said they were in space!" I raised my arms up , pointing up to the sky.

"Yeah, in the Ark," Shadow stopped walking looking out the window to the moon," It orbits with the moon."

"Okay," I was glad we going somewhere," Ark? I haven't heard anything about an Ark."

"Space Colony Ark," Shadow glared at the moon," It's where I was made, I'm not going back there."

His glare turned toward me and he slowly walked toward the door.

"I'll help you get there, but I'm staying down at Earth, you'll have to go alone up to space."

I stuttered a bit. What!? I can't go in alone. I have no idea what this Space Station was!

"But," I protested," I don't-"

"You're parents might be in the place I was made, if not, check...check her room," Shadow bowed his head before he snapped it up. He started walking toward the door with me tagging along.

I was trying to find a way to get him to go with me but nothing came to mind.

"How would I know where to look," I finally said," What if the place is to big and I get lost?"

"There's maps everywhere, so don't worry about that," Shadow said cooly.

It was obvious he was not going to be joining me.

"Shadow!" I whined.

Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and shouted out:"Chaos Control!"

Bright light surrounded me and in an instant we were in a metal corridor, in front of a door that had letters in some kind of language I could not decipher.

And up into space I go.



Shadow waste no time in getting me ready and in seconds I was strapped into a seat with the spaceship ready to launch up to the Ark.

I was so confused.

"Okay," I growled into the mic Shadow had given me as I felt the engine rumble to life," After this you owe me."

"I could owe you whatever you want."

Shadows voice sounded soft and absolutely sexy.

I gulped.

"But not now," Shadow said, I could hear him click buttons,"You need to go and save your parents.

And then, I blasted into space.


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