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This is my first story on here so please don't hate...? This is sonadow so guyXguy here

If you don't like then go away and never come to my page again

Oh, the start may be a bit rough, but as you read along it will get better, I hope...


"What do you mean we are moving!"

A blue hedgehog, with blazing emerald eyes, yelled at his mother. Her own blue eyes looked soft, trying to explain everything to her son, but he would not listen. She sighed and moved her purple bangs out of her face.

"My job requires it, Sonic," She said, her voice annoyed now.

"I love this place! This is where my friends are!"


Said hedgehog whipped around to see her husband, Jules. He looked tired from looking for a job around, but now he would be looking for a job in a new place. He saw Aleena's frustration on her face and took over.

"Son please understand," Jules tried,"Everything will be alright."

Sonic glared at his dad. Why did they have to move! He has friends that he has known since day one! What would he tell them? He just couldn't say bye,

not now.

"We leave in a week, to Station Square," Aleena said," That's final."

Sonic groaned and stormed up to his room. At least he had a week...

No! He wasn't going to think positive about it! He's mad after all!

Stupid Mom and her job! Sonic thought.

He opened the door to his room and slammed it shut behind him. Sonic bit his bottom lip, thinking about everything. He knew Midnight would be crying, not so sure about Rexan, he was had to read. Sally, she would take the news the worst, she was his girlfriend after all. Dark wouldn't care, he never did care for anything.

God, what would Sonic do!? In Emerald High, he was known as one of the popular kids, never bullied, kept his grades at an awesome level, had great friends...So...what did he do to deserve this!?

He plopped on his bed, grabbing his phone out of his pocket in the way. Should he tell them now? Sonic wanted to get it over with, but...

Maybe it would be better to tell them in person. Sonic would see them in school tomorrow, and that was Monday, so he has five days to spend with them.

God, they were going to go fast....

Sonic bowed his head and buried it in his arms. Tears rolled down his cheeks and splattered on his arm and the bed.

Station Square had a high school, Sonic is a junior, called Mobious High. From what Sonic heard, it was a hell of a high school, lots of parties, drunks, and all that jazz. Good people were still there and Sonic has heard of a really smart fox kid that managed to be a junior when he was eight.


Maybe when he goes there, he'll check with that fox kid...

Sonic sighed, feeling tired then he should...maybe the kid has other friends...? He could be friends with all of them.


This was just like before anyway...

Then he closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep.







"Where am I?" Sonic asked to himself staring at the dark abyss of the room.

Suddenly a flash of light caught his attention, drawing him closer and closer...

It was just a door.

But Sonic opened it anyway.

And then a face of nightmares comes up and scares the poor hedgehog.






Sonic woke up panting.

Note to self: No movies before bed...

Referring to a movie he watched earlier before his Mom broke the news.

"Ugh," Sonic saw the time," Never again!"

And he plopped back down.

Yeah I could do better not one of my best work but ill change it up as I go along and make it longer.

So how'd ya think?

High School Love * Sonadow *Where stories live. Discover now