Hey Mr. Bad Guy

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My day was hell...

The freaking guy hardly helped me! It's lunch right now , but I'm lost since he didn't show me the way. He just left, walked right out of the classroom with no care in the world!

I hate that guy!

A flash of orange caught my eye and with a turn of the head, I saw the kit walking the other way. He seemed fine now, other than a few bandages, but he seemed fine.

"Hey!" I yelled over to him, waving my arms and running toward him.

His namesakes twiddled around him almost in a protective manner.

"Uh," I was in front of him now staring down at him," Can you help me? The person who helped me, isn't really...helping."

I chuckled a bit.

He didn't move, but I saw his blue eyes peek out.

"Wh-who are you?" He stammered.

"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!" I grinned giving a wink," Your name is Tails, right?"

He nodded, bringing his namesakes down and smiling a bit.

"Cool," I smiled," Mind helping a friend out?"

Tails jumped, his big blue eyes widening.

"F-friend!?" He squeaked out.

I shrugged.

"Why not?" I said," I don't really have friends here."

"I have other friends," Tails mumbled but I heard him.

"Mind if I meet them?" I said," Well, after I get my lunch that some black douchebag didn't show me."

Tails stared before he pointed over to two big open doors with a big sign over it saying 'Cafeteria'.

"Oh,"I sighed," I knew that."

He chuckled a bit before following me.


Okay, I got my lunch! This food is gross as ever, but I'm hungry so I'm eating it.

"Knuckles!" Tails yelled twirled his namesakes and actually flying upwards!

Im pretty sure my jaw dropped all the way to the floor.

A red echidna with purple eyes appeared in front of us. He had a crescent on his chest with spike coming out of his knuckles.

Oh...the name fits, doesn't it?

"Who's he?" Knuckles nodded toward me.

"Sonic," Tails happily sat down on a bench with other people.

"Sup?" I tried," New here if you didn't notice."

Knuckles nodded.

"Nice to meet you," He looked over to the table," This is our group, feel free to join us."

He walked over to the bench and sat down. I followed soon after.

I met everyone right then and there. Like, this other hedgehog named Silver, with 5 spikes coming out of his head,( which I tried, and probably failed, at not laughing) and his girlfriend Blaze, a purple cat with yellow eyes, the same like Silver's. Also, Amy, who seemed to just stare at me all the time I was there, who was a pink hedgehog with almost my same color eyes. I learned that Tails seems to get bullied quite a lot, which then I proposed that I stay by his side when I can.

I said I got lost, so I might need help.

"Didn't you have someone to help you?" Blaze spoke.

"Yeah, Shadow? I think that's his name, he left me." I said through food in my mouth.

Then, they all stared.

"That jerk?" Amy scoffed," He hates everyone. Well, expect for his friends."

I raised a brow.

"He has friends?"

Knuckles nodded,"My girlfriend is his friend, Rouge. There's also Espio, I hang out with him sometimes."

I nod.

"He is also a G.U.N agent, along with Rouge," Silver spoke," So, Shadow feels like he runs the place."

Knuckles looked like he was going to say something, but a white bat jumped on the table with a purple chameleon appearing out of no where next to her. Suddenly, that jerk showed up on the other side of her.

"Oh," The white bat said, almost lustfully,(which then I wanted to run)" Look! This the hedgie you were talking about?"

She looked over at the jerk and watched him nod.

"Hello," She smiled, batting her eyes," I'm Rouge."

She shook my hand and flapped her wings before landing on Knuckles. Then, she gave him a nose rub. I looked away and at the black hedgehog. He was apparently staring at me, but once we caught eye contact his ears jetted back and he looked down at his feet.

"Like what ya see?" I joked at him, hey might as well, no one seemed to notice, anyway.

He glared," Please Faker. A homeless guy looks better than you."

Shadow scoffed and turned his back to me.


I just stared at the shining black fur and the muscles that showed. His shoes looked weird though. Almost metal...

I looked away before he caught me staring. Was I blushing!?

Holy crap!

Why am I blushing!?

Shaking my head, I see Shadow from the corner of my eye. He seemed to be smirking.

I knew something was wrong with me when I found that sexy...


The final bell rang and I walked out with my new friends. Rouge seemed to be with Knuckles a lot, but when she appeared, Espio and Shadow were right there.

And I've been getting stares from Shadow. Heck, I've probably returned them when he wasn't looking.

I walked off to the right and it seemed Tails did too.

"You live in this part?" I found myself say.

He nodded.

"Yeah," He pointed to a house across the block, a couple ways from my own," I live right there."

"Sweet I live close by!" I smiled, ruffling his turfs on his head," Maybe we could hang out."

He seemed to blush.

"Uh, yeah!" He smiled before running away toward his place.

And I ran toward mine.

When I walked into my house , there was note on the side of the wall.

'I need to work and your Dad seemed to have found a job. We won't be back until later and if you get hungry there's leftovers in the fridge. We love you!

Mom and Dad'

I smiled to myself and walked into the living room. Sitting down I grabbed the remote to turn on the T.V.

And then I realized something was majorly wrong with me when my brain wouldn't shut up.

And when I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Shadow.

How do you like it and I have no idea if this is shorter or longer...

High School Love * Sonadow *Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat