I took some blood packets from my blood fridge, and then made myself a bowl of cereal. I'd always had a weak spot for frosted flakes.

"This looks ethnic." Achilles murmured, leaning down to sniff at his food. "But it looks good."

I snorted. "Don't be ridiculous, Achilles, it's just bean rice, you'll love it." The plate ended up being very colourful with the brown-red rice along with black eyed peas, red sauce with pork pieces and the steamed cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and corn.

He took a small mouthful, closing his eyes and nodding. "It's good!"

"I'm going to a hearth meeting tonight." I said, watching him eat. He took large bites, eating at a quick, determined pace. "So we have all day together."

He took a moment to get all his food down before drinking down a glass of water. I got up to refill it for him, when he spoke again.

"Let's go on vacation together." Achilles said when I got back to the table.

"What?" I said.

"It's almost spring break for you, right?"

I nodded.

He grinned. "Let's go on a cruise. Or something, I don't know. I've been googling."

I couldn't help but smile. "Googling what exactly?"

A small blush rose on Achilles' face. " Like romantic getaway trips for gay couples. I think I got a bit carried away. I mean, I didn't book anything but there's some nice stuff out there."

"Oh my God." I gasped. "You're a romantic, aren't you, Achilles?"

He frowned, but his face was only reddening further. "I'm not."

"I bet you keep all the receipts for all the places we go to."

"Not every place." He argued, finishing the rest of his food.

Achilles went for a run while I cleaned up the kitchen, put the leftovers into the fridge and wiped down the stove top. By the time he was back and had showered, I'd made hot chocolate for both of us  and we met again in the playroom. I only called it the playroom because it was where I had my gaming systems set up along with board games.

Achilles and I had been tackling a jigsaw puzzle over the past few weeks. We sat side by side, working on the puzzle. It was about half done now, and it was a Galatrickiton movie poster rendered into a puzzle. It was a picture of the cast with space in the background.

We spent the next few hours talking about work, and then more about ourselves. Achilles had slowly been gaining an appreciation for classical music after coming to one of my performances. He told me about how he wanted to learn Farsi to make an effort to reconnect with his grandparents, since they didn't speak English and he wanted that connection to his biological side. I'd learned that underneath all of Achilles' stoicism, there was something really sensitive there. I liked seeing that vulnerable side of Achilles, and especially knowing he was willing to show it to me.

Some time later, I got ready for my hearth meeting. Once a month we had something of a checkup with the other local vamps and a reception afterwards. Achilles saw me off at the door, giving me a quick kiss and telling me to have a good time. I left feeling good that I had someone to come home to.

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