Chapter 1

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Clarke is walking across the long desert as she feels the need to vomit. She leans over and throws up what little is left in her stomach.

(Clarke's mind)
There is only two reasons that this can be happening some kind of sickness or I'm pregnant. No stop. There is no way that you are pregnant. Me and Bellamy were careful. Right? Yeah we were this just has to be some kind of sickness or something.

Clarke counties to walk the dead land to where she is going. Polis.

When she gets there she sees nothing. The buildings were scattered across the city no building was there. She ran to where the bunker was. There was way to much of the fallen building to get to it. Clarke moved as much as she could but was nowhere near the door. Instead of hurting herself she decided to look around to see if there was anything she could use to survive.

She found some food under some debris. She ate a little and put the rest in her pocket for later. Clarke also found parts of Lexa's throne. She held it in her hands as a few tears ran down her face. "I miss you so much Lexa." She said under her breath. Clarke wiped the tears away and started walking again.

One week later
Clarke had made it back to the lab and was living there. She ate a little of the food that she found in Polis and nibbled on that. She had just finish the last of the food that she found.

Less than an hour later Clarke had thrown up her food. This had been happening all week.

(Clarke's mind)
I have to be pregnant. If it was a sickness it would have most likely have stopped by now. What am I going to do? I have no choice than to do it alone. I have to give birth alone with no medical supplies. I have no baby stuff at all. I have nothing. I have no one. ......  I wish that I was up there with Bellamy and everyone else. So I don't have to do this alone. That has always been my biggest fear. Being alone.

Clarke breaks down and starts balling her eyes out. She sets on the floor with her head in her hands and crys. She crys till there are no more tears to cry.

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