
"Because you're mine and I don't like sharing what's mine, especially with a half-wit Gryffindor."

Hermione chuckled and tried to push him off, "I don't belong to you."

Tom let go of her and smiled. "You do, you'll see."


Adrianna hovered behind the bookshelf and focused on a particular book, fall, she thought and it fell off of the shelf. She reached out to touch the book and sighed as she watched her fingers go through it. I don't think I'll ever get used to being dead. Adrianna stopped what she was doing when she heard a familiar voice, she peeked through the gaps in the books and scowled when she saw who it was. Sivian. She smirked and came out from behind the bookshelf.

Sivian cowered as Adrianna repeatedly shouted the same question over and over again.

"Why did you kill me Sivian, why?!"

"I didn't mean to, it wasn't supposed to happen!" He burst.

"What do you mean?"

"I-I was supposed to obliviate you but then you panicked and I got carried away. I-I'm sorry."

"Well, sorry's not much use now, I'm dead. Why were you going to obliviate me?"

"Tom, Tom Riddle said he wanted you to forget something, he gave the job to Malfoy who then gave it to me. It wasn't my fault, I didn't want to do it."

"Liar, why, why would Tom want to have me obliviated?"

"I don't know. Malfoy said that he said he didn't need you any more that you weren't of any use. I just, I don't know."

"You're lying."

"I'm not lying, now please let me leave." Adrianna nodded at him and he sighed in relief.

Adrianna said nothing to him as she watched him walk past her. She couldn't believe it, Tom, Tom had done this to her and now she would make him pay.


Dumbledore watched as Hermione left the class with Tom close behind her. Tom turned around to look at Dumbledore and scowled when he saw the man staring at him, Dumbledore simply smiled at him and watched him leave. Dumbledore heard scratching on the window, and he was surprised to find a snow owl looking back at him with a letter tied to his leg, who could that be? He walked over to the window and opened it, he untied the letter from the owl's leg before scratching the owl on its head and watching it as it flew off. Dumbledore read the letter and frowned; he picked up the papers from his desk and began heading to his office, apparently, he had a meeting with a ghost.


Tom started intently at Adrianna, and she glared back at him.

"Lies." He hissed at her.

"They're not lies, I know when someone is telling the truth."

"Adrianna, I had nothing to do with you dying."

"Yes you did, I know you did Tom."

"Bullshit, who told you all of this anyway?"

"Tyson Sivian."

"You're believing the man that killed you, wow, how smart of you Adrianna."

"Don't mock me, Tom."

"I'm not mocking you, I'm just questioning your sanity."


"Look, Arianna, if I wanted to kill you I would have done it myself."

"But that's just it Tom, you didn't want to kill me, you wanted to obliviate me, why?

"I will not answer any more of your questions Adrianna, I've had enough. " He got up from the chair and headed towards the door.

"I'm going to tell."

Tom turned around sharply, "You wouldn't dare."

"I do and I will, you can't stop me."

Tom's eyes flashed red and for a second Adrianna was scared. Tom raised his wand and smiled at her, a horrifying smile.

"You're not going to tell anyone Adrianna unless you want something worse than this," he nodded at her referencing her ghostly self, "you being dead doesn't stop me from doing things to you Adrianna, I can destroy you and I will destroy you if you open your mouth to anyone." He took a step closer to her.


"Don't even try to negotiate with me Adrianna, my terms are clear, if you speak of your death to anyone ever again, I will destroy you and this time, you won't come back. Am I clear?"

Adrianna nodded at him and he turned around and left.

And now to take care of Sivian.


The cold blue eyes of Tyson Sivian looked up at Tom, pleadingly. "Please don't."

"It's too late for that Sivian."

Tom pointed his wand to Sivian's chest; he whimpered. "Avada Kedavra."

There was a green flash, a soft thud and there on the ground lay Sivian's dead body.

"Confringo." Tom turned around and walked out of the room of requirement leaving the body to burn, the room would take care of the rest.


"Professor, may I come in?" Dumbledore looked up from his desk when he heard the voice.

"You may." He replied, the door opened and in came a ghost, Dumbledore smiled when he saw the face.

"Why hello Miss Dorthien."


A/N: Well what do you think?

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