Chapter Twenty-Four

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I overestimated Rowan's stubbornness. Like I said before, his avoidance of me lasted until fall. I mean, seriously, how long was I going to keep this up? Honestly, I couldn't continue this game forever, I was seriously impatient now.

I literally made it a point to go into his apartment and loudly talk to Sebastian, when he was free, about "Jackson." I'd go into his apartment no matter what to talk on the phone to an automated phone call. He always shot angry glares towards me when I gushed about "Jackson." He suddenly became abusive to his cabinets and small objects when I'd mention going on fake dates. He also rushed to be anywhere, but near me, when I bullshitted about going to the lake we used to go to, for Sebastian I used our code "Hiking Trail," and he would literally kick us out to have some peace and quiet. At first, I thought it was cute because he was obviously jealous, but now it's just annoying.

"He still hasn't made a move?" Heather asked snapping me out of my brooding, she rolled the dice to the monopoly game we were playing in her and Harnold's apartment.

I sighed in exasperation watching Sebastian scoot over to take his turn, "No, he has not. Seriously, if he made a move to make-out with me, why can't he make a move to— I don't know, try and fight for my affections and date me?"

"Sebbie, any advice? You live with the guy?" Allen asked as he landed on Baltic Avenue. "Pay up, by the way."

Sebastian groaned as he went through what little money he had left, "I don't know. Rowan's always been more forceful and head-on trying to get something he wants if there it means he can fight people against hybrids and whatnot. Usually that's with physical objects though. I don't know if he was ever in a relationship before we moved here or when we met."

"So, he's just an emotionally, constipated tsundere?" Heather joked and I pouted.

"Oh, well, that doesn't help my case in anyway."

"Why not amp up the the dramatic role then?" Allen chipped in and I made a face. "Well, maybe fake texts and gossip about your fake relationship isn't convincing enough for him? You might not be convincing enough or you're trying too hard to make it sound like you're in love? It might make him jealous, but it's not enough to push him into action."

"So, you mean he needs to be confronted by the sight of Will with Harnold?" Heather asked as I took the dice to start my turn.

"I mean, Sebbie and Will have already told us how he acts when Will mentions his fake boyfriend. He's obviously jealous, but he clearly has a lot of restraint." Allen explained, leaning on Sebastian to grab a can of Dr. Pepper.

"Or maybe he doesn't know how to go about his feelings?" Heather said as I landed on the chance spot. "I mean, maybe there's more to it than just curving you. He's a hybrid. You're a human. He's probably thinking of the social backlash if you two did try to start a thing because of those nuts."

By "those nuts," she meant the anti-hybrid finatics who were against hybrids existing in the first place. Their whole rant was "Abominations and creatures from hell" and some literal shit about beastiality. Three hundred years ago hybrids were given rights to do whatever they wanted as long as they stayed away from human territories, which was fucking hard considering humans of any race did everything in their power to take up space. Hybrids were just a step behind African-Americans or Native Americans, people in the past didn't even stop to think that hybrids were humans like other minorities. There were literally no sympathizers back then. But minorities were allied and worked with the HCR in partnership to help work for basic human rights to live decent, respectable life.

Seriously, there were literal Jim Crow laws with the same equal, but separate laws, with literal fake scientific racism. I mean, they were not laws, but it was basically encouraged and enforced because there were still sane people who found it dehumanizing and unconstitutional, refusing the laws to the max. Like seriously, because of all the violence that happened around the 1920s, people refused to let that shit slide, especially when hybrids began to migrate into human territory. Very few countries were starting to change and progress into giving human rights, like here in the US, but there just wasn't enough support at the moment to give jobs to help hybrids seeking safety in some of these backward shitholes.

"Well, it's not illegal to date or marry hybrids." Sebastian spoke up as he went for his next turn.

"No, but the hell they give is almost as bad as the whites vs black." Heather said nonchalantly. "There aren't mass lynchings. Yet."

"Or that we don't know of, of course." Sebastian whispered and Allen pulled him close.

Man, this is taking a turn for the worse.

"Well, let's... let's try for a happier topic change, ey?" Heather cut in after a bit of silence, flipping the board game dramatically startling us. "Let's do something fun, like— I don't know, meddling in Will's love life."

After getting over the initial shock of that unnecessary board flip, Sebastian and Allen were on board for it. And as much as it embarrassed me about the shift in focus and their interest for me to push to start something with Rowan, I was grateful for their support. I was also glad to get away from the complicated hybrid topic.

I cleared my throat, "This might get heavy, but can I borrow Harnold?"

"Because I want you to get some closure on this whole situation and help you on your quest for true love? Of course." Heather agreed, taking out her phone. "When? I have to get Harnold to do it on a day when you're free and when he is."

"My next free day is before my birthday. So, Monday?"

Sebastian made a weird noise, "No, no, he has early work all week and his time off is iffy, you might need to do it sooner or later, Will."

I made a face as Allen added in, "We can't do this coming week either. Darick wants us full-time for those back to back gigs. That's all of us."

I frowned as Heather and Allen both sighed as we realized our situation. We had lost a good bunch of weekday workers last month due to some scam they pulled on Darick regarding closing times and stealing liquor. So we had to fill in starting tomorrow until Darick felt trusting enough to hire more dancers after the court case.

"You have to wait until after your birthday then." Heather sighed and I slumped in disappointment.

"We have to hold it off for like maybe a month or more. We're too short to get breaks at the moment." Allen pointed out.

"Short on what?" Sebastian asked and I face-palmed because he was still in the dark regarding our occupation.

"We're dancers, waiters. You know, people for entertainment at a bar. Not quite a strip joint or lap-dance establishment, but we still put on some sexy shows for patrons." Heather explained and my face fell at her bluntness.

I looked to see Sebastian's reaction, expecting to see horror, but all I got was an, "Ok. Well, then I'll figure out Rowan's schedule when you guys figure out your days off and work stuff."

"Sounds good. Then once we have our schedules matched up, we can start Operation: Yellow Carrot." I exclaimed with excitement.

Allen and Heather cheered in response as Sebastian began to blush in confusion at my choice of title for the plan. I joined them after a moment as he looked between us in confusion because he hadn't picked up on the fact I used the nickname I had for Rowan and my hair color to set up the name for my future story of our possible relationship.

Let's hope this works.

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