Chapter Seventeen

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"He let you do that!?" Heather asked after I told her about my cuddling session with Rowan.

"Yes! After a whole two weeks of him avoiding me, we finally had a bonding moment!" I squealed, reaching over and grabbing her shoulders. "And because of that, he's gone pass small acknowledgement to big acknowledgement!"

I left out how we really had the moment, I bullshitted how we got into an argument about Rowan having a problem about me being in his home, which led to a lot of shit that ended in us cuddling as a way to apologize without actually saying anything.

"Oh, and how did it end up like that?" she asked, pushing me off gently.

Sebastian said it would be hard to gain Rowan's trust. Ha! I don't mean to sound conniving, but at the rate I was going, I think I was making progress to getting him to like me. Since that whole bonding moment that we agreed not to speak about, I noticed that he had softened up considerable towards me. I mean, even Sebastian noticed his complete one-eighty attitude change towards me.

I mean, I'd say "hello" and "good morning" when I happened to catch him outside before, which was like all the time especially after the second time he was in the hospital, and if I was brave, I'd try to make small talk with him, doing my best not to make an ass of myself because I was kind of desperate to hear his voice, and before he only responded with responses that shut down any form of conversation. Now, however, whenever I was in their apartment or we happened to pass each other outside, he responded back to my conversation attempts, making them longer. The first time it happened was the memory I clung to like a dork.

I was leaving my apartment to head to practice. The dance routine for next month's reserved party was hard, so everyone agreed to meet up during the week and during our free-time for extra practice outside of Darick's scheduled times for us to come and work on it. Unfortunately, that extra practice was very early in the morning. I really, really didn't want to get up for early morning practice because getting up was hard at five-in-the-morning. If I wanted extra pay for coming in though then I had to suck it up. So, when I left my apartment at four-fifteen, you can imagine how surprised I was when I happened to come out at the same time Rowan and Cucuy came out. It startled me, and I let out a surprised "Oh!" which in turn startled him, making him jump and look at me with wide eyes.

"Ah, sorry— um," I fumbled with my words and the strap of my bag, "good morning."

He stared at me before nodding slightly and turning away, but he turned back a moment after, staring at me intensely before he responded, "Um... good morning..."

Luckily, the lights in the building were always dimmed at night and in the wee hours of the morning because I'm pretty sure I turned a little red. His voice was soft and husky, throwing me off guard because his usual voice was level, and commanding. We stood staring at each other because I didn't make a move to start walking to the stairs, so he made the first move and gestured for me to go down first, to that I did quickly and almost lost my nerve when he followed and walked almost beside me.

"Where are you heading to, so early in the morning?" he asked suddenly and I felt my heart skip a beat at the fact he had initiated a conversation with me for the first time.

"Oh, I'm heading to a dance practice for work." I replied quietly, so that he couldn't hear the squeakiness in my voice. "What about you?"

"I always go for walks around this time." he replied back quietly, and I swear I got chills.

"Wow, you are hopeless." Heather said suddenly, interrupting my story.

"Hey! You asked!" I huffed, slightly ticked that she cut me off.

Song for Broken Hearts (malexmale)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin