Chapter Two

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Well, after I filled out the necessary papers and applications, I secured the job without too many complications and could now spend the rest of my money on food until I got some real pay. Those people weren't actually too bad, and while I was still upset about that weird grabby-measuring thing that Heather-woman and Harnold did, but I surprisingly didn't find myself hating them afterwards. They actually seemed like nice people, but I wouldn't let my guard down around them for a second. I exchanged numbers with the boss and those two because they needed to keep me updated on the positions and start discussing my schedule. I think they were going to have me start waiter duties first and work on the dancing part after.

Right now, though, my food situation was definitely on my mind as I left for home, I didn't have enough to buy meat for meals for the rest of the month. I only had so much money and that shit could rack up the grocery bills if I went overboard. Lucky me, though, I'd finally developed a resistance to heavy foods and meat, and I could function on a junk and vegetable diet for now. I was slightly panicking though. I wasn't sure how ready I was for all of this. I took deep breaths as I walked and decided to use one of the techniques my therapist showed me.

My name is William Rogers, a fresh out of high school, seventeen year old, with messy blond hair I had little-to-no control over, tan-skin with freckles on my cheeks — shoulders and back as well, if you anyone cared to know, they were hardly visible there —, heterocromatic eyes, one yellow and one blue, a height of five-foot-five, and a feminine body to the max. Where I was from, I was basically average, but as I learned, I was very pretty and attractive here. People, humans and hybrids alike, always seemed to find themselves coming up to me and it made it hard to keep them away. This wasn't narcissism, mind you, it was — the best way I could explain it — like an instinctual feeling for people to find themselves drawn to "pretty things" and it tended to create a bit of a hassle when they couldn't have those things. But I wasn't interested in people at the moment who acted like children, and I certainly was not interested in people who only approached me with intentions of "love" and "sincere feelings" of care because I already learned the hard way that out in this society and world, my looks were the only thing most people wanted me for. And I had the bruises to prove it, too.

Before I had been estatic about people. Lately, people have begun to disgust me anyways. I hadn't had any attraction or just general interest in people since my falling out with him. I also started to hate the idea of physical appearance determining worth. Physical appearances —though important to attract individuals with common ideas of decency — were literally a cop out. There was so much hypocrisy around determined attraction, discrimination, and social standings. I felt like I should hate hybrids at the moment more than people, but I found myself blaming human's for turning hybrids into the very things they despise in society. I guess I have to mention that here on earth — it's currently 2009 — it was the third wave for a civil rights movement for Hybrids, but the movement itself was barely pushing against earth's governments all over the world that provided the rights humans had. Had I stayed in school, I would be more up-to-date about the situation, but things got in the way of me learning about it in its entirety.

When I got home, after breaking my thoughts away to focus on finding my way back, it was around seven in the evening and I finally started some real unpacking. At least that was what I was doing while in the kitchen until a few knocks sounded at my front door. Curious, and slightly alarmed, I went to it — only back tracking for a moment to grab the pepper spray I had been gifted with by that woman — and opened the door slightly to look out of it. When I saw it was just a woman with her two kids, I put the pepper spray in my back pocket and hesitantly opened the door a little more.

"Oh, hello!" she greeted, a smile gracing her lips as she held her hand out to me. "Hi, I'm Marshelle Rivers. I live in apartment Two-Forty B, it's nice to meet you."

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