Chapter 42 : The dark side (Jake's past)

Start from the beginning


Jake walked into his den with pray big enough to feed two but his mate wasn't home 'huh i thought she said she was going to stay here?'
Jake dropped the pray by there beding before heading to the exit to see the sun setting "hmm it's almost she wouldn't go see that stranger without telling me" he says to himself as he lay down I'll just wait for her....I'm sure she'll be back soon' he layed his head on his front paws feeling his eye's grow heavy with sleep but fights to stay awake but soon fails. He closed his eye's.


Jake flinched awake as he heared paw steps walk into his den. Jake lifted his head to see that in was dark out. He slso saw pink eye's looking at him before he got up "Skylar where were you?.... and why did it take you so long?" The sylveon looks away before saying "Sorry i....i went out for a walk and i guess i got a little lost" Jake knew that couldn't be true his mate was good with finding her way around the forest. In fact she was the best and she even knows short cuts "Right.... You got lost?" He says stirned she noded and that's when Jake asked "Skylar why you liying to me?" She frowns "am not lying Jake.... I wouldn't you know that" Jake felt hurt because he knew that was a lie too. "Whats going on Skylar?... just tell me" the shiny Sylveon looks at her paws not saying anything. Jake let a growl out then shoves by her "Fine don't tell me!" Skylar wided her eye's "Jake where you going?" She asked but he shoots her a glare "why should i tell you? You don't want to tell me anything!" He snaps. Skylar ran in front of him "Fine...Jake I'm sorry ok....i went to see Echo okey... I needed to know what he wanted" Jake let out a brutal snarl "Why Skylar he could've been dangrus...i don't mean to get angry with you but i can't help but to care and i warrie about you and....i...i don't want you seeing him!" She let a growl out "Jake it's fine...he's not dangrus....he didn't hurt me if that's what your warried about" Jake glars at her "....yea still went behind my back....Why?!" She looks away "Because you would've got mad...because you think you know everything! About everyone...ok so your scared of the world well I'm not! That's why i talked to you... I like meeting new pokemon" Jake stared at her for a bit before letting his head drop 'uh what am i doing?....she's right...but still she should've told me right?'
Jake then met her pink gaze " win but i still don't like it and I'll never trust him" Skylar then giggles "Jake just come hear him out Alright and you'll see there's nothing to warrie about" Jake noded his head "guh fine...." He agreed but everything in him was telling him 'this is going to end badly.....'


The sun was up and Jake went out to get some water his mind was running wild as he kept thinking of what happend last night and how his mate wanted him to talk to this 'Echo' guy but he was still unsure about it 'theres something about him that i don't like...'
He headed to the river and looks at his reflection like always. He thinks of what his sister said 'do you want to be happy in life or miserable?' He didn't know how to feel anymore everything seemed to just get harder and harder he felt like there was a wight pulling him under the serfuce of life. He shaks his head before taking laps at the water. Jake's ears twitch to the sound of braking branches, he lifted his head to see what was making the noice but saw nothing 'hmm i guess I'll go hear him out....but why is it so important to Skylar?' Jake got up and headed back towerds the den to wake his mate.


Jake followed the shiny Sylveon to where she said Echo would be she walked with a smile nut Jake had a look of discomfort as he followed her Skylar glanced at him "Oh Jake calm yourself....i asure you it's fine" Jake just sighed and noded "well.....i guess if you trust him i will as well....." He says and skylar give a kiss to his cheek before stopping "well we're here" she says but jake couldn't see anything there was nothing here. Jake pinned his ears back "um....Skylar?" But then a ninetales walks out from behind the bushies. His eye's where a blood red and seem to burn through anything. Jake backed up "um...i thought this was where Echo was?" Jake asked skylar. The shiny sylveon smiles warmly at the ninetales "Hello Echo here?" Soul gives a slick smile and noded his head "yes he is....Is this Jake?... Greatings Jake I'm Soul....I'm sure we'll get along nicely" he says but Jake felt a shiver run down his spin. Then another voice Cuts in like a sharp rock "Jake you came great i guess that means your in right?" Echo says from where he sit. He was sitting in a shady area on a rock with moss leaves under him for comfort. Jake let a small growl out but Skylar shot him a look that told to be quiet. "Yea i guess....but what is it that you want?" It took Echo a minute or two to answer this "Jake understand that what i want is for the better....what i ask of you may be dark and sin full....but your mate already agreed to join me" Jake narrowed his eyes at him 'i knew it....wait Skylar knows he's askimg us to do bad things?'
Echo went on "the King has hurt me in unspeakable ways and he's hurt Skylar and even Soul at this point he's got what's coming to him.... I bet there something he's done to you as well" jake frowns thetes nothing the king has done to him and honistly he knew where there going with this but he didn't believe that it is righ to do so, to have revenge on the king. Soul then speaks "There's a Shiny eevee living in the mountains....she can't live for our plans to work that's where you come in and Echo can't leave the forest because of a curse that we set here that will rise on the blue moon....but to set this curse there was a prise to pay....but since the curse isn't here for you can still leave this place" Jake pinned his ear back and dropped his mouth open in disbelief "Are you.....asking me to kill an eevee?" Soul noded "in return you can leave this forest with your sister and mate unharmed by the curse...fair deal?" Jake shook his head and snarls "No way! I don't care if there is a curse or not but i will not commit a murder!" Skylar frowns at Jake "Jake...the king is bad and deserves this....i know she's insistent but sometime you gotta sacrifice things to get what you want" Jake glanced at skylar in disbelief "Sky how could you say that? It's just not what Arceuse would want" but then Echo cut in "Do not say that name in my present ever!" He spat at them and even soul was growling at that. Jake then turned tail on all of them and started to walk away but then Skylar run after him "Jake wait please don't you love me....that king killed my whole family!" She said and Jake stopped and glared at her "so you going to kill an eevee over it?" Skylar frowns "it not like you never killed before...its just one shiny eevee jake then never again will i ask this of you....i love yiu really want to throw us away? saying you don't care about me?" She said close to tears. At this moment Jake felt trapped and loset he loved her so much but 'i don't want any part of this...i don't belong with this group...but i love Skylar so much....I'd do anything for her....anything?'
Jake then dropped his ear and let a sigh out "Skylar i do care about you so much and I'd never throw us away....I'd go through any pain for you....if you reallyvwant me to be a part of this then....." Jake couldn't finish because it was against everthing he believed in but for Skylar he'd do this only this once he was not a bad pokemon or he never saw himself as one snyways. Skylar smiles a sweet one "Jake....thank you...i love you" she then kissed him on his lips after then she wrapped her ferlers around his. Shoulders to get a better grip. Jake felt his heart flutter but it also somehow hurt as well tgen she wispers in his ear "We should go get somewhere privet" jake felt hot at this point so he noded his head before looking back a soul who waitted for "......I'm in" Jake said before Skylar dragged him away from the ninetales.


The two ran through the forest to a quite place where no pokemon was around. Skylar then pulls jake into another kiss and this one lasted for a good five minutes. The two of them made out exploring each others mouths. Jake brushed his fur  against the shiny sylveons fur as the kissed. Jake couldn't explain it but it felt good but at the sametime it wasn't enough he wanted more of the Sylveon and he couldn't hold back anymore 'if I'm going to go as far as kill for her then....i want all of her'
Jake then pushed Skylar to the ground trapping her under his paws Skylar let a maon out and panted "J.Jake?" She questions with a blushing face and Jake smirks and whispers softly into her ears "Relaxe babe~ i got this~" he then kissed her again and Skylar kissed back and wrapped her feelers around him to pull him closer to her. He then pulls way from the kiss slowly and kissed her neck a bit and biting a bit Skylar maons loudly "Ah~ J-Jake" she let out a bit of a cry as they went even farther Jake locked his lips with hers again and let a small maon out himself. He could feel himself raising and his blood rushing through him but Skylars satisfaction was his mean goal. "Ah~ Ahh~ Skylar~ i...i love you~" Skylar let a pur out "Jake ah~ i love you too~"


The sun was setting now and Jake was laying with Skylar close to him puring away. Jake glanced down at her she had falling asleep after there fun. But jake was fine with that but now that he had time to think to himself and about Skylar 'am i really going throw with this?.... Dose Skylar really want kill get revenge on the curse a whole the end....I'm hurtimg more then just an shiny eevee... I can't do this....but then Skylar.... No i said i would and i will things will be fine....right?' Skylar then opens her eye's and let a yown out and used her feelers to rub the slerp out of her eye's "hmm....we should go back to our den" she says and Jake noded his agreement "yea Crystal is probably wandering where we are" they both got up and stretched before heading back. Jake then decided to ask "Skylar?..... Do you really want revenge on the king and to well be apart of Echos plans?" Skylar froze in place and gazed at jake " it so wrong that i do?" Jake felt his heart drop with that, could he really be in love with a pokemon that would do that. Skylay the rubs her feelers down Jake's back making him gasp in suprise "hehe don't tell me your already forgetting what just happened was so good" she the walks ahead leaving a blushing jake behind her before shake the memory out of his head "heh i wasn't forgetting....i was just asking a question" he said running back up to her. "Besides ehen dose he expect us to go and...well do the uh killing?" Skylar glanced at him with a sweet smile "you mean you when are you....I'm staying her i want to see the kings in his time of suffering" Jake then frowns "I'm going alone?" She shook her head "nah there's a pack of houndooms that are going to help you out...there leader agreed to it wheb soul offered him rechies" Jake felt a vit nervous "a houndoom pack you say?" Jake started to feel trapped, caged, like he couldn't breath "Is his name by any chance.....Skull?" He prayed to Arceus that it wouldn't be but "i don't know babe you'll have to meet him towmarrow when you guys are planing this out" then they finally got to there den and Skylar lay down in her beding and closed her pink eye's. Jake curled up next to her and closed his eye's to get some sleep 'i guess I'll fuger this out tomarrow....but i don't know what to do i really just want no part of this'

Sorry for the long wait on this chapter. I'll be updating soon.

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