Chapter Nineteen - Silver Blaze Part IX

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At the train station, I hand Beth an envelope containing train tickets up to Kempton Park for the race on Saturday before boarding and getting myself settled in the quiet coach for the next three hours. 

After arriving in London for 11.50, I head back to my flat in Balcombe Street and take an early night so that I'm standing outside Isabella Lesurier's Designer Clothes Store on Mayfair at opening time.

A middle-aged woman with blonde hair opens the store and spots me standing outside. "Can I help you?"

"Ms Lesurier?" She nods. "I'm Sophia Holmes. Can I come in?"

"What's this about?"

"I just have a few questions about a customer of yours."

She purses her lips and checks the street outside. "Alright. You've got five minutes. We'll take this out the back."

"Thank you."

I follow her through the shop, casting a look at the clothes on the rails. I've never understood how these dresses could have such steep price-tags when they could have easily have come from Primark. 

"So what would you like to know?" she says as we take a seat opposite each other.

"Have you ever seen this man in your store?" I ask, sliding the photo of Straker across the table towards her. 

She takes her glasses from on top her head and places them on the bridge of her nose as she studies the photo. "That's William Derbyshire. He comes in every few months with his wife."

I smile. "What can you tell me about the wife?"

"Young, very pretty. Expensive taste, though they can't afford it. If you find Mr Derbyshire, please remind him that he has an ever-increasing tab which needs paying up."

"I'm afraid you might have to hire a solicitor, Ms Lesurier. Mr Derbyshire was found dead on Tuesday morning."

"Well isn't that convenient," she says, placing her glasses back on the top of her head. "Murdered, I presume? I should send the bill to whoever killed him."

"I think you'd find them even less likely to pay up Ms Lesurier," I reply, standing up and lean across to shake her hand. "Thank you for your time, you've been exceedingly helpful."

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