Chapter Seventeen - Silver Blaze Part VII

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The gate to Mapleton is open to let the riders out to exercise the horses, so Beth and I manage to slip through before it closes. Once in the yard, we're soon spotted by one of the stableboys.

"Hey, no loitering around here! Haven't you got eyes in your head. Sign says keep out."

"I only wanted to ask if I could come back tomorrow morning to speak with Mr Brown. I have a train to catch at eight, but I can come in for five if its not too early."

"I shouldn't be speaking to you by rights," he replies, his eyes flitting around nervously.

I roll my eyes. "Do we look like the type of girls who are going to interfere with your racehorses?"

The stableboy doesn't reply, and shifts uncomfortably for a moment before answers. "Mr Brown's the early bird around here all right. He'll be here."

"Dawson?" a voice calls from across the yard. I turn my head to see a well-dressed, middle-aged man with a walking stick heading across the quad towards us. "What are you doing gossiping with strangers? Be about your business." Dawson, the stableboy, scarpers, and Brown turns to us. "Now what the hell do you two want around here?"

"Just a few minutes of your time, Mr Brown," I answer with a smile.

"Be off with you or you'll find the dog on your heels."

"Fine," I say, turning. "I'll just tell DI Hopkins to double check your stables. Enjoy your time behind bars, Mr Brown."

Beth and I start walking back out the yard, but we only get two or three paces before Brown calls after us. "Come on then. I don't suppose I have much choice."

I smile, my back still turned to Brown. "Keep watch out here," I say to Beth, before turning and following Brown inside. I take a seat at a table as he paces about, looking through the window at the yard every few seconds. "So, let me guess, you were out early on Tuesday morning as usual when you saw a horse on the moor. You decided to go out and bring him in, but when you approached him, you recognised him for who he was. Your first instinct was to lead Silver Blaze back to King's Pyland in return for a reward, but then you had a better idea. You realised that you had the chance to make a great deal more money by hiding Silver Blaze until the race was over, then releasing him back towards his stables so no one would be ever the wiser as to where he'd been."

Brown turns to me, his eyes narrow and accusing and he advances forward with his cane. "How do you know all that? You've been watching me haven't you? You've been spying on me!" I smile at him and he goes red with anger and turns, seething. After a moment, he turns back, apparently calm. "Here's what I'll do. One-hundred thousand. Leave now, and it's yours."

"Okay, I accept," I say, standing. "And I'll take the horse, and you have my word I won't tell the Colonel or the Inspector where I found him." Brown looks as though he's about to hit me. "Or I can leave now and tell, and you can get Mapleton closed down and yourself behind bars. I'm sure Mr Blackwater would appreciate that."

"And how do I know that you're not going to run off and tell your Inspector anyway?"

I sigh. "Mr Brown, it's really not in my interest to tell DI Hopkins where I found Silver Blaze. I prefer people to think I'm an enigma."

Brown pauses for a moment. "Fifty thousand and you can take the horse. Good God I must be going out of my mind."

"Perfect," I smile. "Do you have some paper; I can write you my bank details?"

Brown turns to a safe in the back of the room, opens it, and pulls out a rucksack. He throws it down onto the table and starts counting out stacks of fifty pound notes onto the place-mat in front of me. "Fifty thousand in cash. Nothing that can be traced back to me. Don't ask where it came from."

I smile as I count the money into my bag. "Pleasure doing business with you, Mr Brown."

"He's in stall seven. Now take that bloody horse and get off my land before I have chance to change my mind."

Grinning, I stand up and head outside. Beth meets me by the door. 

"Beth, I've bought a horse."

She looks across at me in disbelief. "You've what?!"

"I was wrong, Silver Blaze isn't here. But I've always wanted a horse." I smile across at her. 

Beth rolls her eyes and breaks a smile. "I knew I shouldn't have left you alone."

"Come on, we need to pick him up!"

We cross the yard into the stables opposite, and I unlock the door gate into stall seven, soothing the horse as I walk around to its front, then run a hand down his nose. I examine my palm, and smile as I see the matted fibres of black pony paint which has been used to cover the white blaze. 

"Beth, I don't suppose you know how to put on a bridle do you?"

She chuckles and follows me into the stall, taking Silver Blaze's bridle from the hook outside and joining me around the front. He takes the bit obediently, and soon Beth has tightened the straps and is leading him out into the yard and towards the mounting block. 

"There isn't a saddle, so we're going to have to ride bareback," she says, stroking Silver Blaze's mane. She looks across at me. "You've never ridden before, have you?"

"I've been a passenger on a motorbike, if that's any help," I say with a grin. 

Beth snorts. "I guess it's a start." She stands on top of the block and mounts, and I follow on behind her. "Hold onto my waist." I clasp my arms around her, slightly wary that we're much higher up than a motorbike and without helmets, but strangely enjoying it. Beth makes a clicking sound and urges Silver Blaze on with her heels, and he sets off at a fast walk. On our way out, I spot Brown watching from the window of his house and I send him a smile as we head through the gate.

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