Luke and Percy

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Luke pov

'Daddy, daddy, daddy!'

I jerk up and looked at my alarm.

'What's up May?' I yawned.

'Mummy said baby is coming and Mickey still asleep.' May said pulling on my clothes.

It took me a minute to process what my daughter had said.

'WHAT?!' I yelled. 'Where is your mother?!'

'In the doctor's room.'

'Okay, May I need you to be a big girl and call either aunty Annie or uncle Nico. Can you do that?'

'Yes daddy!' May smiled clear happy that I had called her a big girl.

Once I was alone I took a breath. How did this become my life? Ah of course it all starts and end with one person.


It's a normal day at camp. Well not a hundred percent normal that there's new comer who was hunted by the minotaur. I wonder what this person is like. I wonder why the minotaur was after them.

Suddenly the door opened and a boy fell over himself.

'Um . . . Hi, I'm Percy Jackson.'

'Claimed or undetermined?' Someone asked.

'Undetermined.' Annabeth answered before Percy could.

Everyone in the cabin groaned.

'Now, now camper that's what we're here for.' I said turning to face Percy for the first time. 'I'm Luke Castellan. You can have that spot over there.' I pointed out a spot on the floor.

Before I could say anything else Annabeth grabbed him and pulled him away. I wasn't really impressed by him but the boy was gorgeous for someone so young. Somehow I got a crazy image of him and me maybe twenty years in the future, having a life maybe adopting a few kids.

Whoa, where did that picture from?

Flashback over.

'You took your time.'

I looked up and realised I'd walked into the doctor's room. Which Will Solaco had set up for us so Percy could have any kids we have at home.

'Are you alright? I mean how far apart are the contractions?' I quickly corrected.

'They are about half an hour to forty-five apart.' Percy smiled. 'So tell me what you were thinking about before I snapped you out of your daydream.'

'I was thinking about the first time when you and I met and that one thought of you adopting kids.' I answered. 'Honestly I think that was the moment I turned my back on the titans and fought not for the gods but for you.'

'You're so corny Luke Castellan, you know that.' Percy laughed but then grimaced as a contraction hit.

'When it comes to you and our children, I will be the most corniest man you ever met.' I said trying to distract him.

'Speaking of kids, where's May and Mickey?' Percy asked going into mummy-mode.

'May is being a big girl and calling either Annabeth or Nico and she said Mickey is still asleep.' I replied.

Once the pain had past for Percy, he looked at me and asked: 'Do you remember doing all this the first time?'

'How could I forget?'

Multiple flashbacks:

Flashback one.

Percy had been acting very strange lately and it's very concerning. We only moved into a house in New Rome and I can tell he's trying to hide something from me. He getting up early and I think he's being sick.

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