Fem Percy and Nico

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First kiss

Penny pov

'I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.' I told myself as walked to the Hades cabin. I knocked and waited.

Then my love opened the door look at me.

'Penny.' He said shortly and my heart jump.

'Nico can I come in please?' I asked not to sound too flustered or to blushed.

'Sure.' Nico let me in and I sat down on his bed.

'Nico I have something.' I said looking at him dead in the eye.

'What?' Nico sounded completely confused.

'Nico,' I started. 'I-I-I'm in love with you and want to be with be you.'

When he didn't say anything I started playing with my dress.

'Nico?' I asked scared now.

'You love me? You want to be my girlfriend?' Nico asked sounded so breakable. 'Really? Y-You promised?'

'Yes, I love you, yes I want to be your girl and yes I swear to you that I Persephone Laura Jackson I love you Nico di Angelo.' I said then I walked up to him, put my arms around his neck and kiss him. I felt Nico's hands on my hips. We fell on his bed. 'And I want you to make love to me.'

Nico looked me deep in the eyes smiled and said: 'I want that too but I want us to have a date first and I want us to make sure we don't make a baby until we are ready.'

'Agreed.' I kiss him with all my passion.

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