I Let Him In- Chapter 25

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Darkness surrounds us. It’s everywhere we look; everything else is just an illusion. I wanted to believe that my identity was hidden within the depths of the ultimate hell but it seemed that my beliefs were little of what I expected.

When I was a little girl I had such cliché dreams like frolicking through fields through of daisies or being a princess or having my very own prince charming. This was neither what I wanted nor what I expected and I guessed I was in for a rude awakening when I ran into Jai Brooks but I could’ve never expected this disastrous outcome.

I look around the crowded yet abandoned area and search for my new found evil, whatever form it may be in. I feel the presence of so many lost souls in search of their identity, I feel the presence of all kinds of evil, but most of all I feel the presence of him.

“Hope” his voice broke through the darkness

“Jai, just help me get out of here” I barked, part of me was afraid but part of me was rushing with adrenaline

“Close your eyes and guide yourself” he ordered

I decided not to argue, I did as he said and I closed my eyes I began to walk forward but soon enough I fell over a pile of sticks that had been neatly arranged clearly to assemble a trap

“I can’t do this” I screamed in frustration

“You can’t do it because you’re afraid”

“I’m not afraid” I growled

“Yes you are, you’re afraid” his voice was taunting and not at all pitying

“All I’m ever surrounded by is dark” my voice was weak

“Dark isn’t afraid of the dark” his words sounded almost like an accusation rather than a statement but I shrugged it off and continued to plunder into the depths of the forest

“I’m not afraid of the dark” I whispered

I wasn’t sure whether I was trying to convince myself or whether I was trying to convince him but whoever it was it sure as hell didn’t work.

“I agree” his voice was full of confidence which honestly up roared the most conflicted feelings

“You’re afraid of the affliction of eternal society”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I laughed nonchalantly

Then he was gone.

Typical, always leaving me with questions unanswered and problems unsolved. I let myself wonder further into the depths of darkness, I held my hands out in front of me to feel my way forward but it was no use. It’s like one of Jai’s riddles, I’m afraid of eternal society? The eternal society is darkness, the minority of the human race that has been corrupted that has given in to evil and let it completely consume them.

I was afraid of invisibility so invisible I became. You have to become what you fear to become fearless.

I was stuck in the enveloping darkness, so darkness I became.

I closed my eyes and let myself indulge in the torturous feelings of my withheld darkness, my heart rate was constantly increasing, if it beat any faster it might just fall out of my chest and wouldn’t that be another nightmare to add to the list of already horrific events that I have already experienced. I thought of Jai and how he corrupted me, the images of our intimacy made my body tingle with pleasure and I found myself begging for his touch. My mind was lapsing over events that I’d recently experienced, the death of Luke, the death of my sister, the sting was still present but it had become more of a dull ache that I could easily suppress, the darkness tortured me with the feelings that I knew one day I’d have to leave behind. Love being the biggest torture of them all, seeing Luke’s face flash through my mind made me want to scream in pain, the loss of him was the biggest torment that I have yet experienced, his love kept me human, he kept me sane.

“Don’t give in” Jai’s voice broke through the darkness that was ever so quickly consuming me

The wind was getting stronger making my hair blow out in a wild flurry. The voices echoing through the forest sounded like clashes of thunder, I brought my hands to my ears to drown them out. All of this, all of the hurt, the pain, the loss, the love, the heartache it all had to be forgotten, I’ve suffered so much in such little time that the feelings are so powerful and overwhelming. The voices were breaking through the small barrier that I only wished would keep them out.

“Don’t forget me” his words were so simple yet so powerful

The impact of his voice alone made me hurt more than you could ever imagine, my eyes were burning with the tears that were begging to pour out. Luke’s voice was my weakness and this was the ultimate test, I have to ignore it I have to. No matter what I do he will never come back, he is gone, he’s not here to protect me anymore and letting myself hurt over his loss only makes me vulnerable.

“You made a promise to love me and to never forget me, don’t give up on us” his voice tore through my soul like a thousand knives ripping through a thin layer of skin

Ignore it Hope. Ignore it.

I can’t let him in, I have to push him away, and it’s the only way to survive the terror that haunts my soul.

“I love you” his words came out as a whisper

I love him, I loved him. He’s gone, I have to continue life without him, and I’m the one that has to suffer without him.

“What happened to you?” his voice screeched which made my ears ring with the most violent displeasure

The rage was boiling in my blood, my ears were so sore it felt as if a thousand wasps had stung me multiple times on my eyeballs, my skin with itching with confliction and my mind was simmering with confusion.

“I let him in” I screamed and suddenly it all stopped

The wind had calmed, the voices were gone, my breathing slowed. I slowly removed my hands from my ears to be granted with the peaceful sound of silence. I put my hands firmly on the ground and opened my eyes.

Everything had changed, it wasn’t so dark anymore. I could see a clear path directing towards a road through a parting in the trees, I wasn’t afraid.

I’d embraced my darkness.

Sorry this chapter was only short and that the update took so long but like we said we've had a lot on but we relly hope that you enjoy this short addition to the book (: the next chapter will be much longer and much better written and you will have more of an insight as to what happens next, there's a huge twist coming, this was just a small installment before we bring the darkness to life, get ready. Please continue to vote and comment, thank you for sticking with us (: 

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